Author Topic: [S3O] - The Silent Hunter III-Operation Spinnennetz  (Read 1164518 times)


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[S3O] - The Silent Hunter III-Operation Spinnennetz
« Reply #1 on: 20170727, 13:13:46 »

[S3O] = The Silent Hunter III-Operation Spinnennetz
PRO: is a WORKING SOLUTION for presenting the POSITION of player-U-Boote and contacts for immersion.
PRO: is pretty automated and easy (!). Try out the old S3O-client and see yourself. New client coming up when I got time.
PRO: ***** FOR SH3 and all other GERMAN WW2-U-Boot-Simulator Games *****
PRO: IS hosted on the |DEF|-servers, but online for public use!
PRO: is actively continued work. Follow the development-updates!
CON: does not yet integrate with other tools, but the recode will take care of that bit by bit.
Needed: a talented web-designerwho is into JavaScript/CSS-stuff. Please contact me on TeamSpeak.
« Last Edit: 20230408, 11:59:30 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »


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« Reply #2 on: 20180411, 12:51:32 »
Credits to these gentlemen (only those in orange still take care for the project):
Canavaro/x-|DEF|/x-[TBT] for idea, design and implementation of the before V4 and for hosting in 2013 to 2015.
Kptlt. Siegmann for hosting in 2007 to 2012.
Brag,johan_d,Kaleu. Jochen Mohr for making Operation Spinnennetz possible.
BL!TZKR!EG/|DEF|+[REV] for hosting since 2016 now and the recode of all software-modules.
KaleutKiwi/x-|DEF| for Logo-GFX.
Rick Fortens/x-|DEF|+[REV] for several GFX.
Merlok/x-|DEF| for JS, CSS, HTML
« Last Edit: 20200826, 10:10:16 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »
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« Last Edit: 20230408, 11:10:47 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »


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« Reply #4 on: 20180411, 13:08:35 »
During the war, every U-Boot-Kommandant sent in a number of different reports. The following pictures illustrate
how a) the Fuehrer with his Wehrmacht-staff and b) Doenitz with his Kriegsmarine-staff worked things out:
And now the incoming reports are compiled on a set of maps... the SPiNNENNETZ
Would you like to see what Doenitz saw?
Participate and leave your mark on the seven oceans! Report to BdU the way it was done in WWII. Every U-Boot-player can send in reports. In fact even those from other games, too: SH2, SH4 (U-Boote-Addon), SH5 and all the Good Old Classics: GERMAN WW2-U-Boot-Simulator Games. You can this way keep track of your position and enemy contacts - and even friendly units!
Tired of cruising in an empty ocean?
Ever felt that these fat convoys should be around somewhere but you keep missing them by being at the wrong coordinates? Tired of patrolling a grid for one week to find nothing, not even a fishing boat? You could be only a few kilometers from a busy shipping lane full of juicy tankers and not even know it. Or you could be in an area that never sees a ship.
Reports are the spill of Operation Spinnennetz. The Intelligence  map is depending on the U-Boot-Kommandanten to send in their reports. Without those we will be searching for a needle in a haysteck and eventually lose the war!
Tired of attacking alone?
Our CONTACT-map is now linked to a huge archive of more than 100+ MultiPlayer(="MP")-missions. We are putting more and more online and hope you enjoy that you now can play together with your friends.
So whether you play Silent Hunter III out of the box, or with GWX, NYGM or WAC, as realistic as possible or shoot-em-up-style, the Spinnennetz intel map, updated by you and other players, will guide you to more rewarding hunting grounds. It is easy to use and you will see more action on your patrols. The reported contacts give you date, heading, type of target and which Kommandant is credited for the report.
And that's not all!
If you join |DEF| and report your status, BdU will issue you personal orders, guide you to your grid, assign you for special operations and update you with historic news that you may affect with your actions. And your U-Boot will be protected against being overwritten by third persons. Even ENiGMA-coded messages are supported this way.
Operation Spinnennetz can be accessed via the |DEF|-website. It is in continous development as we are implementing more and more features.
Read on, get your harpoon, grow a beard, and join in! Have fun using and contributing to Operation Spinnennetz!
On behalf of the
Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote,
« Last Edit: 20180905, 00:12:17 by BL!TZKR!EG »


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« Reply #5 on: 20180411, 13:11:06 »
  • a set of intelligence-maps from the community for the community
  • gathering of intelligence just like it would have been done in WWII
  • interactive communication with a human BdU in |DEF|
  • U-Boot-STATUS-information
  • U-Boot-CONTACT-reports shown in colors per year
  • printer friendly route map with movable waypoints
  • showing the aircraft patrol ranges as well as the shipping routes
  • an ingame-version of the CONTACT-map:  have a sliding, actualized KonvoiMap.tga sliding in from  the left.
« Last Edit: 20200825, 02:07:50 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »


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« Reply #6 on: 20180411, 13:27:19 »

- 20070605 - [RELEASE] Operation Spinnennetz has been launched for public access!
- 20070606 - 128 contacts reported so far. Good job, Devils of the Deep(mostly)!
- 20070820 - NEW: Now there is a printable map showing the aircraft patrol ranges as well as the shipping routes.
- 20070914 - Printview improved.
- 20070930 - Operation Spinnennetz September Ace competition ends.
Code: [Select]
Commander  Score U-Boot  Last reported
Canovaro   25    U-68    DH4279
Zurman      6    U-93    DF4489
Balz        6    U-53    EJ3232
Huskalar    6    U-108   CF2863
Kohlmann    2    U-64    BE3686
Liebold     2    U-52    BE3399
Headcase    2    U-106   BE4237
Junafani    2    U-318   AE9671
- 20071221 - NEWS UPDATE! OS continues after a small break.
- 20080204 - Kptlt. Siegmann informed that there is going to be a server migration, starting today at 13:00 GMT.
- 20080206 - NEW server is up.
- 20080207 - Siegmann has worked very hard and the migration was a success. In short: We're back in business.
- 20080226 - We're past 300...already 314 contacts have been reported. :ping: OS has gotten 15,000 hits!!!:o
- 20080330 - The 332nd and last contact reported in while on patrol.
- 20080421 - Operation Spinnennetz ends after 10 months! The operation is over and the result is an intel map filled with contacts!
- 20090814 - To finish work and to reopen OS, Siegmann's assistence is needed. Trouble is he has not been responding for weeks.
- 20090905 - [RELEASE] First public Client version is V1.12 done for the reopening of OS!
- 20090928 - [RELEASE] Client version 1.13 available for download. Now creates a log of every sent contact report.
- 20090928 - [RELEASE] Map-Browser (tool that includes the 2-digit map by missbehavin).
- 20091127 - [RELEASE] Client version 1.14 available for download. Works with Windows 7.
- 20090706 - NEW: Now you can access the OS-Map while playing SH3. "KonvoyMap.tga" is manually updated.
- 20100107 - NEW: Now you can add groups of merchants. Legend updated accordingly.
- 20100218 - NEW: Now OS is hosted for "Subsim Enigma Flotilla".
- 20100223 - [RELEASE] Client version 1.15 available for download. Now every report includes real-date and mail-address.
- 20100304 - New Client version in the tests! For testing handed out to Flotilla Enigma staff members.
New   features: - Added is a complete new map. You can now send in status    reports and your icon will appear exactly at the location you sent in. Let your fellow players know what you're up to in your mission!
- 20100321 - CHANGED: default install directory because of Windows Vista and Windows 7.
- 20100323 - NEW: feature for V1.20: status reports.
- 20100327 - Fixed bug for V1.21: status reports were not sent if there was a space in the captain's name.
- 20100417 - NEW: When you click the resuppliers, a picture of each of them will popup for identification.
- 20100423 - [RELEASE] Client version 1.22 available for download. Now you can report YOUR current POS and status and add a picture.
- 20100427 - [RELEASE] Client version 1.23 available for download. Thanks to Immelmann for reporting the "server busy"-bug.
- 20120528 - Operation Spinnennetz has a new server.
The server that hosted OS is managed (and paid for) by another member of the Subsim community. Problem is, he stopped responding to PMs years ago. Now his server has gone offline, so I decided to transfer everything to my own server. That means I had to rewrite the client software. Took me quite some time as this was not as easy as it sounds.
 Please uninstall your current version (probably 1.23), delete the OSclient program folder and download and install the latest version (2.00). All versions prior to 2.00 will NOT work anymore.
- 20130303 - NEW: Added morse sounds. And now you can add a picture also for contact reports.
- 20130304 - [RELEASE] Client version 2.00 available for download. OS-website has been moved (REASON HERE). You MUST update client now!
OLD: :down: - NEW: :up: Mirror:
- 20140120 - LzZ offers to have OS continued on the |DEF|-site.
- 20140908 - Project "Operation Spinnennetz" closing down. Domain for sale.
- 20150721 - The idea to have S3O revived under |DEF| has been born.
- 20150810 - Canovaro and BL!TZKR!EG finally in contact via phone.
- 20150910 - Canovaro says: "Blitz can have all the source files no problem, but I am a bit anxious to put it public for everyone."
- 20151033 - Canovaro's first FTP-tests worked out ok.
- 20151006 - [RELEASE] Client version 3.00 available for download. OS-website now on |DEF|. You MUST update client now!
- 20151105 - S3OADM (the Admin-Tool-Part) sends two different notifications:
  • Status Report: Just the notification that a status report has been processed.
  • Contact report: A notification that a contact report has been processed plus a copy of that contact report.
- 20151231 - is down.
- 20160101 - NEW domain working okay. Transfer complete.
- 20160211 - Intense testing assigned to DEF.
- 20160213 - NEW: OSAdminTool version 3.00 compiled.
- 20160217 - NEW: PQ2POS-Conversion-module works for REGULAR PQs.
- 20160227 - DEBUGGING IN PROGRESS: REPORTING works, but maps do not show updates
- 20160309 - FiXED! - Display-bug has been found! Fix in the works! Thanks to Chad!
- 20160310 - Constructed the very first report using the NEW code for the STATUS-module.
- 20160311 - NEW: PQ2POS-Conversion-module works for IRREGULAR PQs as well.
- 20160314 - FiXED! - SMTP-function now working properly.
- 20160320 - [RELEASE] Client version 3.10 available for download on |DEF|. Includes latest fixes and changed html format for icons.
- 20160323 - NEW: Anti-OW-verification-module introduced.
- 20160324 - NEW: Preset activities can be selected and are included with the STATUS-report.
- 20160325 - [RELEASE] Client version 3.11 available for download on |DEF|. New "cannot connect"-message.
- 20160330 - NEW: Administration-module "S3OADM" recoded - and it works with timer now!
- 20160331 - Coordinate-map is now in new structure.
- 20160404 - Constructed the very first report using the NEW code for the CONTACT-module.
- 20160406 - FiXED! - Bug "wrong target-directory" found and fixed.
- 20160407 - S3OADM works for both STATUS and CONTACT-reports now.
- 20160408 - [RELEASE] Operation Spinnennetz has been relaunched for public access by BL!TZKR!EG.
- 20160409 - NEW: S3Q now extracts the Hull Integrity from the game files and adds that value as part of a STATUS-report.
- 20160413 - [RELEASE] Client version 3.12 available for download on |DEF|. New file-format/name-conventions.
- 20160503 - CHANGED:  No more CONTACT-reports about single merchants. Removing them.
- 20160504 - NEW: The first 5 missions are available linked on our CONTACT-report-map:
  • AM1751
  • AM4866
  • AM1933
  • AM5171
  • AL7855
- 20160505 - [RELEASE] S3OADM completed and given out to selected friends.
- 20160507 - [RELEASE] S3OADM completed and given out to selected friends. A cute little idea included.
- 20160515 - CHANGED:  Now S3OADM runs on our Dutch affiliate-server.
- 20160607 - [RELEASE] Client version 3.13 available for download on |DEF|. Clarifications to improve report-quality.
- 20160611 - NEW: A very nice logo thanks to my dear friend Kiwi-man.
- 20160710 - CHANGED:  Now S3OADM no longer stores all status-files locally, but on the |DEF|-Server.
- 20160803 - NEW: Added new Planquadrat CP to the map. Thanks Kiwi.
- 20161102 - NEW: OPERATION SPINNENNETZ has got a NEW WORLD-MAP with the harbors of the MITTELMEER-KAMPAGNE.
- 20170131 - [RELEASE] S3OADM V2.0.3.1b completed and now running in San Diego.
- 20170205 - [RELEASE] S3OADM V3.2.3.4b completed.
- 20170213 - [RELEASE] S3OADM V4.2.3.6b completed.
- 20170310 - CHANGED:  Now a revised player-icon is displayed (Thanks Rick):
- 20170403 - CHANGED: We have got new contact-icons! for convoys, for taskforces, for warships
- 20170503 - CHANGED:  Now a revised resupplier-icon is displayed (Thanks Rick):
- 20170505 - CHANGED: We have also reworked the legend (Thanks Rick).
- 20170508 - NEW: Added new Planquadrat CL to the map. Thanks Rick.
- 20170514 - [RELEASE] S3OADM V5.3.4.9b completed.
- 20170918 - NEW: A summary mail is now sent to STAFF.
- 20170920 - [RELEASE] S3OADM V6.0.0.0b completed. STAFF is now informed that there is something to read...
- 20180113 - NEW: Resupplier-list by GD.
- 20180115 - NEW: A new supplier on the map: U-117 - Type Xb
- 20180201 - [RELEASE] S3OADM V6.2.1.4b completed. Now creates PBP for DEF.
- 20180224 - The GWX-overlay has been reactivated.
- 20180226 - [RELEASE] S3OADM V7.4.2.1b now creates active-session cookie.
- 20180226 - [RELEASE] S3OADM V7.4.2.1b completed. Now adresses MISSION-reports, too.
- 20180329 - [RELEASE] S3OADM V8.6.2.3b completed. Fix for MULTIPLE CON/MIS-reports.
- 20180421 - [RELEASE] A new map. Thanks RF/DEF+TBT
- 20180513 - [RELEASE] S3OADM V9.6.2.7b completed. Updated Milchkuh-data. Identification
- 20180828 - NEW: Added DEF_Merlok as helping hand for JS/CSS/HTML.
- 20180829 - NEW: S3OADM now writes class id.
- 20180830 - NEW: Function "Find U-Boot" to quicker locate U-Boote on the status page. Thanks DEF_Merlok!
- 20180904 - NEW: The search input box now lists all the matching U-Boote while you type. No more need to specify if the uboot is sunk
- 20180917 - [RELEASE] S3OADM V10.8.3.9b completed. Now creates new link to U-Boot.
- 20181121 - [RELEASE] S3OADM V10.8.4.0b completed. No more empty reports.
- 20181210 - [RELEASE] S3O has now got a new map with WORLDWIDE Kriegsmarine-Planquadrate!
- 20181220 - NEW: a new resupplier list.
- 20190313 - [RELEASE] S3OADM V11.8.9.8b completed. No more unnecessary reports. Streamlined code.
- 20200606 - [RELEASE] CHANGED: PQ "CM" corrected to "CS". Thanks to RF/REV.
- 20200824 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V3.2.6.2b now patches an existing S3O to version 3.14.
- 20200831 - [RELEASE] S3OADM V11.9.0.0b: mapiframestatus removed.
- 20200826 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V3.2.6.3b - Quick Bugfix. Forgot to remove 1 line of code.
- 20201031 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V3.2.7.7b - Bugfix and new code.
- 20201110 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V3.3.0.0b - NEW QRPC-Auto-Link (Thanks, FIEDLER) and new client test code
- 20211019 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V3.4.1.1b - Completely NEW WS-code. ASCii-display-fix.
- 20211103 - CHANGED: The code of module S3Q_DEFO is now 100% included (total code-include).
- 20211109 - CHANGED: Old menu replaced by S3MT-style-menu.
- 20211117 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V4.0.0.0b all in one pack, much new code, code inclusions as announced above.
- 20211204 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V4.1.0.4b: Improved code for DAPP-entries, new logwindow.
- 20220102 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V4.2.0.0b: demo sig removed, r/s buttons clickable
- 20220103 - NEW: MFiX integrated into module_QRPC()
- 20220104 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V4.2.0.1b: Quick Bugfix for 1 miscreated loop.
- 20220113 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V4.4.2.1b: 100% S3OPatch included, Jacko-fool-filter, MFix
- 20220117 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V4.4.2.5b: S3OS error msg, introfix, bugfix in QPFR. Win11 added.
- 20220326 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V4.4.3.6b: Bugfix for QPRC_MF-Link-Conversion & contest-extension.
- 20220415 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V4.4.4.0b: new DAPP-subroutine logic, text-corrections
- 20221209 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V4.5.7.3b: several code improvements.
- 20230407 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V4.5.7.8b: logfix, gwhois-fix, 5UFfix
« Last Edit: 20230408, 10:55:42 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »


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« Reply #7 on: 20180411, 13:34:55 »
Coming up next:
  • more and more integration with S3Q

Coming up after that:

  • A new client (V4a) and an easier way to input data into the map, see here for first screenshot and features so far.
  • a "MiSSiON-AUTO-GENERATOR" is going to create SH3-MP-missions automatically from your reports.
  • selectable world-maps (we got more than only one)
  • Contact-map offers CLICKABLE YEARS like this: 39 - 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - ALL
  • ---- move this to log
« Last Edit: 20220522, 16:33:04 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »


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= FAQ =
« Reply #8 on: 20180411, 13:36:25 »
We have also received an e-mail from Dirk Rijmenants, maker of the best Enigma Simulator on the web:
Just a little mail to thank you guys for the credits and recommending my Enigma sim for Operation Spinnennetz. I hope you enjoy decoding the received reports.

kind regards

Dirk Rijmenants
Cipher Machines & Cryptology
Pretty cool huh? :rock:

Known bugs:

In the latest public client (V3.13) there are a number of bugs such as this one.
I am not going to fix these errors. Instead they will not appear in the  recode, because clients from V. on are no longer hta/JS based. So  consider them fixed.

Known issue: FILTERING the CONTACT-reports
After a while, you get a map with lots of markings form  different   years and to pick the data you need, you first need to check  every   marks' year etc...Some grids are already getting loaded with  reports  from different years,  and contacts  are overlapping making them really  hard to see. In short, you get a mess and the maps lose  its   importance. Even if you are able to distinguish the years by color, that  is more than difficult when so many contacts are crowded together. So  by filtering we avoid the current mess and you don't see routes ahead of  the time line your in..

F: Is Operation Spinnennetz only for GWX?
A: No, it is in fact for all games that portray the WWI warfare of German U-Boote. S3O was even adapted to a variety of mods, but that idea was abandoned because all known mods and games give their best to display historic convoys and routes. If not, you are simply playing an ahistoric mod. Period.

FAQ: My U-Boot location is not updated when I send a new report. It still shows up at the OLD location instead of the NEW. Why?
Two questions:
 - did you use the exact same captain's name in the status report? If   not, the OS system assumes you are another captain and make a new icon   apart from the old icon.
 - What does you OS client log say? Please copy-paste so I can examine what happened.

Always type EXACTLY the same captain's name. If you don't, the new icon   will be put, BUT the old one will remain on the map, because the OS   system thinks it's another captain. Resulting in two icons on the map.

FAQ: The error message "...unable to connect to the server" appears - what can I do?
In 99,99% of the cases this is due to a misconfigured firewall.
Solution: Allow traffic for the S3O-client in and out and you are set.
Windows Defender/MSE must be deactivated - most cases that we have seen!

FAQ: I am playing SH3 Stock 1.4b or a mod that does not include the Konvoi-map. How can I use and see it?
Thanks to Fahnenbohn, we have a quick&dirty solution for you:
* m means ...SilentHunterIII\data\Menu\menu_1024_768.ini
* k means ...SilentHunterIII\data\Menu\Gui\Layout\KonvoyMap.tga
* k2 is the new tga file provided by S3O (see our download-page)

1. First check if you have already k on your current SH3 installation.  If yes, then you ONLY have to replace k with k2. If not, you also have  to edit m (step 4.)
2. Make a backup copy of k and m.
3. Replace k with k2.
4. Edit m if needed : open it, and at the end of the file, copy paste this paragraph :

[G31 I--]
Mat 0=data/Menu/Gui/Layout/KonvoyMap.tga
Crop 0=0,0,1,1

Replace "--" by the last number following "G31 I", increased by 1.
« Last Edit: 20230408, 05:09:34 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »


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« Reply #9 on: 20180411, 13:37:18 »
= Howto =
These are the short instructions and HOWTOs for Client 3.13, so unless  your client shows you're running this version, UPDATE TO IT!

S3O-Client V3.13 Instructions: show
 Using the OS client, you can now report your status and enemy shipment to BdU. After sending, an icon will be put on the intelligence map automatically:
 (There may be some delay though.)
 1. Print Contact Report Form
 Double-click 'Print Contact Report Form' to open the form, and print it on paper. While playing SH3, fill it in when you stumble upon a contact (ship or convoy).
 2. Build Contact Report
 Double-click 'Build Contact Report' and fill in all the answers correctly to build a new contact report, using your printed Contact Report Form. Please watch the examples closely; however you type the info is the way it will appear on the intel map (i.e caps or spelling).
 If you messed up things, click 'Cancel' and simply start over, overwriting your first attempt.
 3. View Contact Report
 Double-click 'View Contact Report' to review the contact report before sending it, if you wish. The program will check if everything is filled in.
 4. Send Contact Report
 Double-click 'Send Contact Report' to send the info to the server. First the program will check if the information is complete. Then it will check if the server is responding. Finally, it will send the data to the server and clear the contact report.
 (If you receive messages from your firewall asking you to allow connection, please grant permission.)
 5. Build Status Report
 Double-click 'Build Status Report' and fill in all the answers correctly to build a new status report. Please watch the examples closely; however you type the info is the way it will appear on the intel map (i.e caps or spelling).
 If you send in a second status report stating a new location, the icon on the map will change to your new location, provided that you typed exactly the same captain's name. If you type in another captain's name, the old icon will remain. That way it is possible to use different careers or send in status reports on behalf of another player.
 If you messed up things, click 'Cancel' and simply start over, overwriting your first attempt.
 6. View Status Report
 Double-click 'View Status Report' to review the status report before sending it, if you wish. The program will check if everything is filled in.
 7. Send Status Report
 Double-click 'Send Status Report' to send the info to the server. First the program will check if the information is complete. Then it will check if the server is responding. Finally, it will send the data to the server and clear the status report.
 (If you receive messages from your firewall asking you to allow connection, please grant permission.)
 View Log
 Every attempt to send info to the server is being recorded in the log. Double-click 'View Log' to open it.


The main DEFF page presents a list of Categories. Below each main category is a list of sub-categories.  Some of these sub-categories are actually direct links to websites.  Under the "Doenitz Elite Flotilla" category is a sub-category called "OPERATION SPINNENNETZ", which is one such direct link.
Clicking on this will take you to the Spinnennetz maps, which show the location of all U-Boots. Hovering your cursor over a U-Boot marker will momentarily display status information about the U-Boot. Clicking on the U-Boot marker will display a photo if the U-Boot Kommandant included one with his status report. Other display options are also available including reported convoys.
When finished viewing the maps, use the browser "back" button to return to DEFF.


First, you need to get a copy of the Operation Spinnennetz Client. Since you are already reading the right thread, why go anywhere else?

download "OS Client 3.13" and execute the downloaded "osclient3.13_setup.exe" to install the program.

Assuming you have a shortcut icon on your desktop, double click the icon to start the Operation Spinnenetz program.
Depending on your setup, the options icons on the left may be large, which is okay since you have a scroll bar to the right. If you want, you can right mouse click in the options area and select small icons to see all the options available.
As you can see, there are eight ( 8 ) options.  These options take very little time to generate, verify and send a report (about a minute), but provide tremendous input to the Spinnennetz system. Note that options #2 and #5 have multiple entries entered one at a time.  These run as scripts and if you take too long, you might get a message starting with, "Stop running the script?" -- just select the "No" button and continue entering data.

1. Print Report Form
This option will give you a form you can print and use to annotate your contacts.

2. Build Contact Report
NOTE: We are only interested in convoys of three merchants or more and Task Forces containing capital ships {Cruisers, Battleships and/or Aircraft Carriers}. Do NOT report single ship contacts or Task Forces composed of destroyers only. Also note that you can cancel during any step and start over.

a.) Your Captain's Name -- important that you spell it correctly. Do not include rank. (example, Kurt Schantz).
b.) Your U-Boot -- include the dash (example, U-133).
c.) Your Location -- at least two letters and two numbers; four numbers is better (example, BF12 or BF1265).
d.) Nationality -- of the convoy or task force (example, British or American or "British and American").
e.) Type -- just enter "group" (3-5 merchants or task force) or "convoy" (5+ merchants) -- nothing else.
f.) Description -- keep it short (example, "30 merchants and 5 escorts" or "battleship 2 cruisers and 5 escorts").
g.) Direction -- compass or degrees; can also include speed (example, "NNE 5 knots" or "095 at 15 knots").
h.) Date -- only day and month (example, 12 Sept).
i.) Year -- (example, 1941).
j.) Additional comments (optional).
k.) Email address (optional; if you spelled you captain's name correctly, we know how to get in contact with you).
l.) URL to photo if you took one (optional)
m.) Map location -- you are presented with a map -- left mouse click at the location.  CAREFUL, you only get one chance at this.

3. View Contact Report
Displays your report data entered above and verifies that all data is entered and ready for transmission. Just hit "Enter" to exit.

NOTE: Operation Spinnennetz only maintains ONE Contact report at a time. If you start a new report before your current message has been sent in Step #4 below, your current message will be lost. This Step #3 is a good way to verify whether or not you have a pending message to send.

4. Send Contact Report
Transmits the Contact report generated in Step #2 and verified in Step #3 above provided the server is up. You will be told whether or not the report was successfully sent. If not, you can try again later. Just hit "Enter" to exit.

Send a STATUS REPORT at least once a day on the days you play; at least once at the end of you game play on any given day so we can see you STATUS and location on the Spinnennetz map.

5. Build Status Report
NOTE: You can cancel your status report during any step and start over.

a.) Your Captain's Name -- important that you spell it correctly. Do not include rank. (example, Kurt Schantz).
b.) Your U-Boot -- include the dash (example, U-133).
c.) Your Location -- at least two letters and two numbers; four numbers is better (example, BF12 or BF1265).
d.) Your Direction -- compass or degrees; can also include speed (example, "NNE 5 knots" or "095 at 15 knots").
e.) Your Status -- keep it short (example, "Operational. Sank British Modern Freighter 5000 tons. Fuel:95, Eels:6")
f.) Email address (optional; if you spelled you captain's name correctly, we know how to get in contact with you).
g.) URL to photo if you took one (optional)
h.) Map location -- you are presented with a map -- left mouse click at the location.  CAREFUL, you only get one chance at this.

6. View Status Report
Displays your report data entered above and verifies that all data is entered and ready for transmission. Just hit "Enter" to exit.

NOTE: Operation Spinnennetz only maintains ONE Status report at a time. If you start a new report before your current message has been sent in Step #7 below, your current message will be lost. This Step #6 is a good way to verify whether or not you have a pending message to send.

7. Send Status Report
Transmits the Status report generated in Step #5 and verified in Step #6 above provided the server is up. You will be told whether or not the report was successfully sent. If not, you can try again later. Just hit "Enter" to exit.

8. View Log
Displays all the reports you have sent to date in transmittal format as sent to the server. Just hit "Enter" to exit.

This is how it works:
If you send a STATUS-report and provide your location, an icon will    appear  on the map. If you send another report from another location,    the icon  will move to that location, i.e. the map is updated.   CONTACT-reports are stored in a similar manner, but are not moved by   updating their locations. Instead, if you report the same convoy a   number of times, you will then see its general course which results in   the "net" of convoy shipping-lanes. WEATHER-reports are an optional  addition to a STATUS-report.

How to make a STATUS-report:

  • Make notes while you are IN the game.
  • Exit the game using the SAVEGAME-OPTION.
  • Now execute the client (Have you by the way got the newest version? That is shown when you run yours!)
  • Enter the data requested (you have made notes earlier?).
  • BdU only accepts contact reports with at least four digits, like BE1234 to improve accuracy on the map.
  • Wait until the icon of your report () appears on the STATUS-MAP before creating another report. Do not forget to post this in your Kommandant-thread using S3Q_QRPC - and why not enhance your story with some nice screenshots?
How to make a CONTACT-report:
  • When you stumble upon an enemy contact, just note where it is on the printed  report form for later use.
  • Use the normal grid in the game to find out  its grid location.
  • Then, when you finished playing, quit SH3 and start  the client.
  • Make a new CONTACT-REPORT based on the report form you  made earlier.
How to make a WEATHER-report:

  • This option is in the debugging-process
  • The code is ready, sea conditions to be added
  • The new report-tool "S3Q" lets you edit weather data as addon to a regular STATUS-report or CONTACT-report.
How to make a WOLFPACK-report:

  • This option is in development.
  • For use especially with GWM and ONLY FOR DEF-MEMBERS.
  • The code-module "SP2MP" is ready.
  • Now the code-modulde "CR2MP" is in the works.
  • This report of a contact PLUS weather PLUS Wolfpack-request results in the creation of an icon as before,
    but with the option to LEFT-CLICK-TO-DOWNLOAD a freshly generated MP.mis with the parameters supplied.
How to make a SINKING-report:

  • This option is in development
  • Showing best sinkings, juicy lanes of convoys / tankers here.
How to make a LOSS-report:

  • This option is in development
  • Showing U-Boot losses gives you information on where it is most dangerous to go.
  • Air coverage, minefields and ASV-Task Forces are the most dangerous threats here.
  • The new tool writes a U-xxxx-hist file that is protected from being overwritten because it contains a sinking report

It is important to mention that "I do not care, I am nocken, I do it as I want"-reports create broken links on the OS/S3O-map:

It is important that the user follows what the client asks to enter. It is clearly written IN CAPITALS in the client: NOTHING ELSE THAN THAT!

Rules for Operation Spinnennetz:

In order to carry out Operation Spinnennnetz we only need contact reports about enemy convoys (merchants, tankers) and task-forces (example: 1 carrier, several escorts) or FAT (!) warships (example: Hood...)

That means:
no friendlies
no neutrals

If there are enemy merchant ships in a neutral convoy, it may still be reported.
« Last Edit: 20230408, 11:57:49 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »


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« Reply #10 on: 20180411, 13:37:46 »

Before 20080421, reports were sent in by e-mail and put on the map manually and the intelligence-map has been read only. Now there is an automated system instead, using a combination of proprietaty software called S3O - the OPERATi0N SPiNNENNETZ package (soon to be replaced by S3Q). So, keeping the existing contacts, you can now add contacts. With the client software, you can directly report your report to BdU and after the transmission and synchronization is complete, an icon will appear on the intelligence-map automatically.

OPERATi0N SPiNNENNETZ nowadays consists of 4 parts:
  • THE CLiENT 'S3O'
    • collects the necessary data (soon automated from your savegame)
    • lets the reporting player change the single entries
    • builds and transmits the report to the webserver
    • bases on the |DEF|-site
    • displays all the data on these three maps:
    • bases on the |DEF|-site
    • where all data is transmitted to and collected for assessment
    • completely recoded
    • regularly checks in on the report-server
    • collects all incoming data/changes/updates/reports
    • then adds the changes to system of our maps.

INSTALLATION-ORDER - Installation-tutorial is now online:
1. Canovaro's client 3.13 (as long as it exists, I am now recoding it).  I recommend a directory such as D:\SH3\TOOLS\S3O\
2. My update-fixes that patch his old client (that I continue to program as part of S3Q).  I recommend a directory such as D:\SH3\TOOLS\S3Q\
The result is then the current version of S3O + S3Q patch-update: 3.14 which is btw displayed in top-right corner when you run S3O.

File-Size (EXE)2.946.945 Bytes
File-MD5Sum8F8D70CE5BF1BEA2EC54D126B00FFB61 * verified with TiNYMD5

If you want to discriminate S3O from S3Q:

S3O is the idea and the server-side, including everything described above
S3Q is now step-by-step becoming the new (and replacing the old) client for S3O, to make reports and all that.

As mentioned above the new version 3.14 of S3O can not be downloaded separately. You must have the "normal" S3O installed (V3.13)
and then you download the newest version of S3Q
and as soon as you run it, your S3O will be automatically updated to V3.14.
- fetches from REG the path
- removes a number of outdated files.
- removes function "Print Report Form". The rules are ages old and nobody used it anyway.
- puts the function "View Log" at its former place
- updates "buildstatusreport.hta"
- updates "buildcontactreport.hta"
- updates "doc.htm"
- corrects the stupid default rank

Again: This patch is part of S3Q, so you do NOT need to reinstall S3O or jump through any other hoops, you simply run S3Q.

Try it. You will see how easy it is.
« Last Edit: 20230408, 11:29:26 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »


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HELP REQUEST for "Find Boat Function"
« Reply #11 on: 20180414, 10:02:29 »
This is how projects go down: I am now waiting more than 2 years(!) for Canovaro to reply and everything is immensely delayed due to this fact.

I wanted to make the new client public in summer, then I waited through autumn - and now it's winter, and yet Canovaro does not bother to answer me. Fact is that I have never imposed deadlines - the only thing HE AGREED on was to send me a simple SMS after returning from summer-holiday with his family (that holiday was in JUL 2016, i.e. incredibly long ago!!!)

Until now I have not even received an answer to my SMS reminding him about what we agreed to test next. Not even that.

Clean cut now. It cannot continue that I must chase for lifesigns and not even promised answers are provided - and in the end I feel pissed because being ignored is not so fine. I am fed up waiting for nothing. I request new volunteers again (see post) and if nobody wants I will do as best as I can and then call it quits.

  • I will now set deadlines and kick people not following them out straight away
    (I have been accused for setting deadlines which I NEVER DID - so I am now doing it)
  • I shall no longer chase for simple replies and charge consequences for "not bothering" MUCH QUICKER now.
    (It apparently does not work any other way and only frustrates the one waiting in vain: me.)
  • I have rewritten the 2do-list and make it public
« Last Edit: 20190422, 22:21:19 by DEF_BL!TZKR!EG »
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===> 13 years Operation Spinnennetz!!!!
« Reply #12 on: 20200605, 10:09:33 »
- 20070605 - [RELEASE] Operation Spinnennetz has been launched for public access!

 :Kaleun_Wink: [S3O] is really one of the oldest, if not THE OLDEST, project(s) for Silent Hunter III
» HONOR, AMISTAD Y RESPETO! Es mejor morir de pie que vivir toda una vida de rodillas! «

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ROADMAP (will me merged with coming up)
« Reply #13 on: 20201104, 12:20:32 »
Recent chats have turned up there needs to be some sort of a roadmap. This demand shall now be accommodated as follows:

Communications and the will to attend voice-meetings online are mandatory. We are NOT going to take help from stubborn folks who refuse to be online to talk.

Beginning with Canovaro, for whose response I am still waiting since 4+ years, all those who helped have dropped out after beginning the usual jerk-procedures ("suddenly becoming busy", then returning with foul excuses only to repeat the same again, then dropping out completely and ignoring every email). If you want to join this process then accomodate yourself with the way I run things. Do NOT put extra work onto my table! Do not keep me busy with uncessesary bullshit! Do NOT delay things! If I have to run after people just because they are too busy or too lazy to write a oneliner back, I rather to it all alone and not waste my time. I do NOT tolerate such SuSi-jerk-behaviour! I want to come forward and make progress! I also see and acknowledge my own failure in leaving too much unclear. I try to make myself clearer now.

Working results FIRST, then all those dreams & details. verything that is IN THE WORKS is to be separated from the current public version in use, so DEF-operations are not harmed! There must NOT be any changes to the running operation maps UNTIL I APPROVE THEM. I am running a group here and that may NOT, e.g. NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, be screwed up. Get that into your heads, guys! Accomodate yourself with the way I run things!

The map is the heart of this project. We have removed the old map, converted the actual terrain data from SH3 and rebuilt from there. My dream has always been to have a nicer map like this one by changing the color palette, but we are limited in filesize, because it is an online map. We got stuck in an academic discussion about "full clearness vs a bit blury" while the object was simply to downsize it from now 10 times the size of the old one to something usable and imagine the loading times! I can NOT be full clearness - we want to use it ONLINE, so it cannot be 26MB or so. Wipe that outta your heads please finally! It will always be a bit blurry. Same reason. Otherwise hardly usable as online map - it woule take ages long to load.

For comparison: The sizes of the maps were:
OLD MAP: 1.704.487 Bytes (Canovaro's version without KMPQ besides Atlantic)
NEW MAP: 28.041.254 Bytes - more than 10 times bigger! That was FAR TOO MUCH!
the map with the greatest downsize now bytes

As already indicated, the idea is to recode all CLIENT modules and thereby move them into [S3Q] - Silent Hunter III-Quite Sophisticated U-Boot-Communications and have S3O remain the server-side. This coding-work has commenced and since S3Q V3.2.6.2b I am now patching the old client until it finally disappears and ceases to function completely.

There have been numerous updates to the server side (JS,CSS,HTML), but there is still a lot to do. In order to accomplish this, we need a capable web-designer(JS,CSS,HTML).

1. Date-Dropdown-Menus
NOT necessary for STATUS-page.
YES for CONTACT-page.
The date here is the year in YYYY and is to be read from the oneliner-entries, precisely from the title attribute.
The options in this DDM shall be: 1939 - 1940 - 1941 - 1942 - 1943 - 1944 - 1945 - ALL
with ALL being preselected (as it is now)
2. Center-on-x-functions
YES for U-Boot (completed and functional)
YES for KMPQ. This is to be done in JS.
3. In the longrun I have nothing against moving forward towards svg with the <line> tag and a <svg> container.
But this requires a capable web-designer(JS,CSS,HTML).

« Last Edit: 20201104, 14:38:05 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »
» HONOR, AMISTAD Y RESPETO! Es mejor morir de pie que vivir toda una vida de rodillas! «

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Re: [S3O] - The Silent Hunter III-Operation Spinnennetz
« Reply #14 on: 20230407, 19:14:38 »
I would like to change the Spinnennetz map. The map itself is good but the colors could use some adjusting for legibility.