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Author Topic: = Welcome to...DEF version 4 =  (Read 148512 times)


  • ...somewhere...below...
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= Welcome to...DEF version 4 =
« on: 20190901, 18:43:49 »

DEF version 4 - the leader takes matters back into his hands!

READ MORE ABOUT |DEF| - The Doenitz Elite Flotilla


  • ...somewhere...below...
  • REViSi0N
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V4 ?
« Reply #1 on: 20190905, 03:28:24 »
I was asked... "Why V4?" That is very easily explained:

When I took over |DEF|, oh, rather: When I was FORCED to take over |DEF| because nobody wanted to do it and they all left me hanging, I revised the whole group in summer 2015, so that was to my understanding VERSION ONE OF NEW |DEF|.

VERSION TWO came after summer 2016, when we evacuated |DEF| from SuSi-sabotage-access in OPERATION KERNEVEL I and after a number of players dropped out. Look at this list, ALL OF THEM suddenly faded away without a word and were because of that lame behaviour removed from our reserves:

  - the_dano1 - [MiA] = Last Contact = 20160827
  - KaleutKiwi - [MiA] = Last Contact = 20160817
  - Canovaro - [MiA] = Last Contact = 20160802
  - ShowMeYourPrien - [MiA] = Last Contact = 20160730
  - bstanko6 - [MiA] = Last Contact = 20160723
  - don1reed - [MiA] = Last Contact = 20160712
  - 20000 Leagues - [MiA] = Last Contact = 20160704


  - Doenitz - called FdU before 19390919

  - Alfred Keitzer - [OKAY] = Status of 20161100 - THREAD - SP= 1; MP= 1; Enigma= 1; R= 0; U-99 - VIIb - BdU Assistant
  - andwii - [OKAY] = Status of 20161000 - THREAD - SP= 1; MP= 1; Enigma= 0; R= 0; U-123 - IXb- BdU Assistant
  - BL!TZKR!EG - [OKAY] = Status of 20161100 - THREAD - SP= 1; MP= 1; Enigma= 1; R= 0; U-156 - IXc - TECH ADMiN

=[ACTIVE COMMANDERS]=  ♦  NOTE ♦ All members with MP=1 are asked to join Subsim's SH Multiplayer!
  - Philipp_Thomsen - [OKAY] = Status of 20161102 - THREAD - SP= 1; MP= 0; Enigma= 0; R= 0; U-69 - IXb
- KLT Lars - [OKAY]= Status of 20161102 - THREAD- SP= 1; MP= 1; Enigma= 0; R= 0; U-97 - VIIc
  - Rick Fortens - [OKAY] = Status of 20161101 - THREAD - SP= 1; MP= 0; Enigma= 1; R= 0; U-18 - IIa
  - KingOfNothing22 - [OKAY] = Status of 20161101 - THREAD - SP= 1; MP= 0; Enigma= 1; R= 0; U-77 - VII
  - Borgneface - [OKAY] = Status of 20161101 - THREAD - SP= 1; MP= 0; Enigma= 0; R= 0; U-205 - VIIc
  - Rebel - [OKAY] = Status of 20161101 - THREAD - SP= 1; MP= 1; Enigma= 0; R= 0; U-45 - VIIb
  - blackswan40 - [OKAY] = Status of 20161014 - THREAD - SP= 0; MP= 1; Enigma= 0; R= 0; U-39 - IXb - MP-Missions
  - Flemish - [LOA-20161107]  = Status of 20161018 - THREAD - SP= 1; MP= 1; Enigma= 1; R= 0; U-521 - VIIb
=[AWAiTiNG PROPER REPORT/LOST CONTACT]=  ♦  NOTE ♦ Players not reporting in will be removed after max 2 months!
A simple one-liner in your thread as a life-sign at least once a month is NOT asked too much! No ifs, buts or maybes.
  - Mahzel - [LOA-is at sea in R/L] = Status of 20161007 - THREAD - SP= 1; MP= 1; Enigma= 1; R= 0; U=191; T=IXc40

=[RESERVES]= ♦  NOTE ♦ RESERVISTS must use DAPP and re-register again.
  - Aras - [RETIRED]  - Last Contact = 20161102
  - KaleutKiwi - [MiA] = Last Contact = 20160817
  - nocken - [MiA] = Last Contact = 20160911
  - the_dano1 - [MiA] = Last Contact = 20160827
  - Canovaro - [MiA] = Last Contact = 20160802
  - bstanko6 - [MiA] = Last Contact = 20160723
  - ShowMeYourPrien - [MiA] = Last Contact = 20160730
  - don1reed - [MiA] = Last Contact = 20160712
  - 20000 Leagues - [MiA] = Last Contact = 20160704
  - FUBAR295 - [OKAY] = Last Contact = 20160811
  - uzik05 - [MiA] = Last Contact = 20160607
  - Kapt Z - [RETIRED] - Last Contact = 20160408
  - Reinhard Hardegen - [MiA] - Last Contact = 20151212
  - krautjacket
  - lecrop
  - RushTheBus
  - smilinicon - good archived thread
  - yasti
  - Cambaz
  - [SJ]nailz

  [OKAY] = Active (ready, awaiting orders or on patrol)
  [MiA] = Missing in action (no report for more than 1 month) - Have you forgotten to ask for LOA ?
  [KiA] = Reportedly sunk
  [LOA] = Leave of absence (sort of shore leave) - TILL YYYYMMDD - This is what YOU request when you are seasick.
  [ADM] = Administrative duties, such as working on forum/site, see the admin-log for news and results.

- IWO - BdU Assistants increase the drill at all times - BL!TZKR!EG, Alfred Keitzer
- Bordkanone - Blackswan40 aims, hits and sinks with his ingenious missions
- Flak - SonderKommandos are part of our new defenses in OPERATION KERNEVEL
- Funkmaat - Alfred Keitzer does Fk.Mt/E
- Steuermann - BL!TZKR!EG is doing the navigation of this flotilla and therefore gives directions.
- Maschinenmaat - taking care of our engines (servers) - VACANT
- Torpedomaat - helping users with things like Manual Targeting in our SH3 Elite Academy
- Medizinischer Dienst - aiding new users on board: VACANT
Mechaniker - BL!TZKR!EG is taking care of forum, website, flotilla-programs

It has always been a challenge for every flotilla to handle all the "paper-work", i.e. compiling and evaluating the outcome of the patrols and engagements. We and our predecessors used to have one poor guy to collect, compile and edit all this manually and later we used .XLS-sheets with formulas to apply our calculations. Then that poor guy usually had to do a screenshot of that .XLS-table and post that screenshot here.

No more!

Our point-table is now software-controlled and can be publicly seen here:

The software behind all this is called APTG (="Automatic Point Table Generator") and is described with our other tools here.

Let me add that these modules work stable. On the other hand however I am a programmer and I am not good at GFX and web-design, so if you find our point table ugly and can improve it, i.e. make it beautiful and shiny, please contact us and join in!

The next version of this is ITW already:


?? - VACANT - A capable AND RELIABLE Web-Designer for our DEF-Site with CSS/JAVACRIPT-capabilites
Our team of  capable AND RELIABLE GFX-talents (Icons, GFX, Logos, Signatures...) is now reworking available signatures. Join!

There is MUCH more...Contact staff if you want to know more...

VERSION THREE was when I drew a line and put the consequences for Swannie's incredible "moving house and Vivien"-dumbassery on the table after Keitzer had retired from his RL-job. I took onboard Gatordad and decided to leave several unreliable lame-asses behind and make |DEF| more "professional" by coming up with the basics to DEFORD and further improvements to DEFO - a tool that I initially had only written because nocken and I were so much fed up with Swannie's (=Blackswan40=Upholder) lame excuses to never be around: We could then easily find him...

VERSION FOUR now is a watershed. We let it slip. In fact I did. Too much leeway, too much tolerance and way too much leniency. I only want to surround myself with productive, appreciative, committing and contributive people who actually DO something. Nothing and nobody else. No more tolerance to every goofy-village-idiot-behaviour. Who does not bring |DEF| forward, is just not |DEF|. Easy as that.

DEF really took a lot of time. Ignorants who join your group and then clearly prove to not be willing to RTFM and then spam your inbox with stupid questions that only underline that this is true. On top of that always the same excuses why they never reply or contribute and then on top they throw their money over to SuSi, where I have been mobbed out. No way! Remember that cowboy on SuSi who wrote beneath every post that he is "in the light"? Or other twits who even want their shoe laces tied and then drop out without a word. No more lame-ass-users who only park their U-Boot here and we only find them over at SuSi where they immediately throw in 50+ bucks in to become a SuSi-Overlord there. On the other hand we keep our doors open for Silent Hunter-players who really want to actually DO something and enjoy the immersion and the game - and who are able to fill out a simple questionnaire. We do not want individuals who cannot speak English or otherwise refuse to communicate.

You find that insulting, rude, harsh whatever? Well... use your brain. Is there maybe a reason? Imagine a little snowflake FEELS insulted by one of their favorite shampoo formula developers. Going to stop buying their product? That is a dumb move and the only one who is losing the product is that snowflake. Same here.

I wish to return to what is fun for me and not only for others. And this begins NOW. The most important thing is that we need STAFF-PERSONNEL and creative (intelligently creative!) folks who like to carry out the day-to-day-procedures and write/create/improve order sheets, yes, the ones that we create with [DEFORD] - DEF Orders Creator show up in DAPP now.
« Last Edit: 20211117, 20:25:08 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »
» HONOR, AMISTAD Y RESPETO! Es mejor morir de pie que vivir toda una vida de rodillas! «

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« Reply #2 on: 20190907, 22:59:00 »
Hope you'll get well soon, Oliver! The others can apparently not keep the group alive.

What a shame to see that. Found that out, too.

True! Also everybody who acts by the attitude of 'better anything than nothing' is totally wrong in DEF.

Quite right! I remember how Dietrich said it in our old group. It was more or less:
"Please accomodate yourself with the way I run things."

And he was right. If nobody wants to run it/things/the group they those who always step back and do nothing
MUST (repeat MUST!) follow the command of those who want to commit to running it.

We let it slip and have been way too lenient with members who are inactive or otherwise clearly show (BY ACTIONS!) that they do not care or do not think "the whole picture of this group".

This stops effective now. I am taking back matters in my hands. I feel like John Bercow with children goofying around somehow.

Would any of those who themselves got nothing done during my absence and who accused me of verbally attacking the always same lame-ass-members think that BERCOW "verbally attacks" anyone in the above videos?

Think about it, snowflakes! Whiners! Leftist softies!
« Last Edit: 20210107, 15:12:12 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »
» HONOR, AMISTAD Y RESPETO! Es mejor morir de pie que vivir toda una vida de rodillas! «

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Good men - not egoistic assholes!
« Reply #3 on: 20210201, 10:23:16 »
The special charme to |DEF| is that we achieve so much with so little, with our limited means, with so few men. Good men!

"All you need is good men..." - Heinrich Lehmann-Willenbrock, Kommandant of U-96

But what did we mostly get?

We are certainly not interested in having everybody join us. We do not want or need
  • individuals who cannot speak English or otherwise refuse to communicate properly
  • folks who are bored and only want to park their U-Boot somewhere
  • "testers" who are merely curious about how we handle things and therefore submit fun applications only
  • "absolute newbies" who we must first teach everything only to see them dropping out sooner or later
  • "high-maintenance-members", who get nothing done alone without asking for help
  • IYI-academics who discuss everything to death and make a buerocratic act of the most simple processes
  • lamers of type "bloody lethargic old sod", who are continously dragging behind in the wake so we must always run after them
All those proved to be a waste of time and in the end they only sucked out our energy and threw their money to SuSi, while leaving us without any sign of appreciation. And when I stated just that, I was infracted for saying it and in the end even got mobbed out from SuSi. Many thanks.

Such members were as of late:

3catcircus - never reacted to anything, never became an active Kommandant
M_Ramius - never reacted to anything, never became an active Kommandant
Nosferato - joined, played a little, dropped out without a word
Krauter - did not log in after application for 1 week, never became an active Kommandant
BillK - talked, talked and talked, but never got going, ignored mails, never became an active Kommandant
islandkayakman - did not log in after application for 1 week, never became an active Kommandant
grujo86 - only talks and boozed, called himself "yet another drunk |DEF|-member", never became an active Kommandant
505Northman - no appearance on DEFTS3, no activity, not even logged in ONCE, showed ZERO interest, never became an active Kommandant
Niume ( - did not log in after application for 1 week, never became an active Kommandant
subasian ( - did not log in after application for 1 week, never became an active Kommandant
Remus - No lifesign, no activity, nothing, never even started to become an active Kommandant
Igel1968 - only asking dumb questions, but never really making an own effort - and the excuse is "bad English"
dh3lix-pooch (, never became an active Kommandant, BUT REGISTERS ON SUSI AND IMMEDIATELY BECOMES A DONATOR THERE!
Lucas Azevedo ( - no activity, nothing, totally unresponsive to the orders he had requested
KICKED FOR TOTAL INACTIVITY: Yama (FIEDLER said he was blocked for only asking Yama where he is)
KICKED FOR TOTAL INACTIVITY: jaudiel88( - FIEDLER said he was blocked when attempting to help that guy

We can not really call them "members", there is more than often ZERO activity!

Our assessment:

We would instead love to have DEPENDABLE members who simply WANT to get things going, WANT to enjoy the game, WANT to further the efforts of the group and simply have fun!
I would think that if I register somewhere I would care for my incoming emails and when I get the login data,
I would be eager to look what is offered and I would give it some effort. This does astonishingly often not remotely
happen which is why i have my software count the days of inactivity and kick them out.

This raises some questions:

Are only persons with twisted thinking playing SH3 these days?
The quota is incredible:
  • 100% idiots for SH4, not one(!) productive member has ever been seen!
  • the quota for SH3 at least had some hope left...
So for what type of guys do we run this group? Ignorants and mentally sick persons who behave like total village idiots here and then point at us over at SuSi going crying wolf like "Uaaahhh, I was heavily insulted!!!!! Buuuaaahahh, here I can bring all my donations, take them!!!".

« Last Edit: 20220310, 11:13:49 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »
» HONOR, AMISTAD Y RESPETO! Es mejor morir de pie que vivir toda una vida de rodillas! «

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