Who's Online - for more details refer to DEFO and come to our TeamSpeak-Server!

User Time Action
Guest 10:22:34 Viewing Who's Online.
Guest 10:22:32 Viewing the topic [HOWTO] - Dock properly to a "Milchkuh" = U-Tanker = Resuppliers.
Guest 10:22:13 Moderating the topic [S3MA] - THE SILENT HUNTER III - MISSION ARCHIVE.
Guest 10:21:42 Viewing the topic desertstriker's WAC Beta Archive.
Guest 10:21:39 Viewing the board index of DEFF.
Guest 10:21:39 Viewing the board index of DEFF.
Guest 10:20:59 Viewing the topic ARCHiVE: The Adventures of "phila595".
Guest 10:20:36 Viewing the topic [S3MA] - THE SILENT HUNTER III - MISSION ARCHIVE.
Guest 10:20:26 Viewing the topic Doenitz Elite Flotilla - MP/Wolfpack-Actions = LATEST RESULTS =.
Guest 10:19:59 Viewing the topic U-480 - the first Stealth-U-Boot (unfortunately in FR).
Guest 10:19:48 Moderating the topic [S3TP] - Silent Hunter III-Tweak-Pack.
Guest 10:18:33 Viewing the topic [S3E] - Excellent and Universal Mega-Mod-Installer.
Guest 10:18:24 Viewing the board index of DEFF.
Guest 10:18:14 Viewing the topic Doenitz Elite Flotilla - MP/Wolfpack-Actions = LATEST RESULTS =.
Guest 10:17:46 Viewing the topic Radio Trigger.
Guest 10:17:42 Viewing the topic Terremoto en Mexico - Earthquake in Mexico!.
Guest 10:16:49 Viewing the topic ARCHiVE: The Adventures of "KapitanDeepblu".
Guest 10:16:47 Viewing the topic [TEC] PATCHES FOR SiLENT HUNTER III [SH3] and their appropriate installation.
Guest 10:16:28 Viewing the topic ARCHiVE: The Adventures of "rudewarrior".
Guest 10:16:16 Viewing the topic [TEC] Reworking Marine-/U-Bootversorger, Milchkuehe, Suppliers.
Guest 10:15:58 Viewing the topic ARCHiVE: The Adventures of "Georg Haeder".
Guest 10:14:47 Moderating the topic [S3F] - Silent Hunter III-Front-End - the NEW way to go.
Guest 10:14:11 Viewing the topic desertstriker's WAC Beta Archive.
Guest 10:13:43 Viewing the topic Doenitz Elite Flotilla - MP/Wolfpack-Actions = LATEST RESULTS =.
Guest 10:12:28 Viewing the topic [TEC] PATCHES FOR SiLENT HUNTER III [SH3] and their appropriate installation.
Guest 10:12:26 Moderating the topic [S3E] - Excellent and Universal Mega-Mod-Installer.
Guest 10:11:36 Viewing the board OPERATiON SPiNNENNETZ CONTACT & MISSIONS.
Guest 10:11:01 Viewing the topic Mission-Files (.mis) that work - or do not work - STEP 3.
Guest 10:10:48 Viewing the topic [ITW]_REWORKING Flotilla.cfg - bugfixes & changes.
Guest 10:10:41 Viewing the topic [HOWTO] Avoid CTDs And Savegame Crashes.
Guest 10:10:26 Viewing the topic [S3A] - The largest Silent Hunter III Archive of the world.
Guest 10:09:18 Viewing the topic We need a new web-designer for JavaScript/CSS/HTML.
Guest 10:09:04 Viewing the topic WELCOME DAN DIMITRESCU / UBISOFT!.
Guest 10:07:50 Moderating the topic Doenitz Elite Flotilla - Use the Schedule Calendar for Multiplay {MP}.
Guest 10:06:21 Moderating the topic Doenitz Elite Flotilla - MP/Wolfpack-Actions = LATEST RESULTS =.
Guest 10:05:51 Moderating the topic [S3MT] - The Silent Hunter III-Mission Toolkit.
Guest 10:01:47 Viewing the topic FIEDLER'S...SILENT HUNTER III STEAM FAQ.
Guest 10:00:16 Viewing the topic HOWTO - How To Create Old SH3 Screenshots.
Guest 09:57:41 Viewing the topic Why you can NOT use the old 4GB-Patch.exe on a STEAM or UPLAY SH3.EXE.
Guest 09:56:13 Viewing the topic 'LSB 2018 = Leave SuSi Behind'.
Guest 09:55:36 Moderating the topic [S3F] - Silent Hunter III-Front-End - the NEW way to go.