Author Topic: DEF - Standard Operating Procedures (="ALL You Need To Know")  (Read 1085416 times)

Offline Karl Doenitz

  • BdU/Flottillenchef
  • one of the leaders
  • *******
  • Posts: 603
  • ELiTE Skill Level:
  • Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote
= Admin Change-Log = (="What's new?")
« Reply #1 on: 20161007, 20:39:02 »
In contrast to most other flotillas, we do NOT hide our activities from public, we make changes transparent and visible to everybody,
sorted by date in this Admin Change-Log = (="What's new?"):

LOG 2010-2022: show

- 20100206 - Laufen zum Ziel introduces the "BdU-station" to SEF (|DEF|'s predecessor).
- 20120128 - Laufen zum Ziel announces to build |DEF| from the ashes of...
                        ...the Subsim Enigma Flotilla, Devils Of The Deep and the Raiders Of The Deep.
- 20120201 - |DEF| is formed!
- 20120921 - Kurtz proposes to pull out of Subsim.
- 20121010 - Laufen zum Ziel and his team pull out from the ucoz-forum.
                        Messageboy as moderator is just too unreliable and never replies in a timely manner.
- 20130321 - NEW: DEF have finally got their own domain. Account created.
- 20131107 - The tournament approach of |DEF| - The Doenitz Elite Flotilla has been dropped.
- 20141110 - Last documented meeting of old DEF-staff: present: Ken, Kevin and Aras, apologies: Fred.
- 20150501 - Laufen zum Ziel and BL!TZKR!EG agree on how to restructure |DEF|.
- 20150509 - Resurrection of |DEF|.
- 20150511 - NEW: Howto TeamSpeak3.
- 20150512 - NEW: Howto Tunngle.
- 20150512 - [RELEASE] - [DEF]-We_are_back!.7z as a little promo-trailer.
- 20150616 - VERY SAD NEWS: Laufen zum Ziel RIP.
- 20150629 - DEF-Website respectfully suspended.
- 20150802 - Susi-Admin encourages us to restart the flotilla.
- 20150812 - Beginning reorganisation. Documented in #7, #8.
- 20150826 - CHANGED: From today, there is no more the wrong Donitz, the correct spelling is DOENITZ. Period.
                        The forum-part has already been corrected.
                        I am now in contact with the domain-operator and see if I can have that fixed, too.
- 20150828 - NEW: There is now a new one among the [TBT]-Projects: |DEF| - The Doenitz Elite Flotilla
- 20150829 - CHANGED: There will be only ONE thread per player, i.e. the actively portrayed Kommandant
                        in order to avoid be looking here and there for messages and for faster communications.
                        Everything else generates a mess as is on Susi since overview gets lost completely.
                        The thread will include for each single Kommandant:
                        BdU-welcome and announcement
                        KTB/War Diary and combat-results
                        commands and instructions/patrol-orders from BdU
                        Syntax and Format:
                        U-xxxx - type - commander - (portrayed by forum-name@DEFF).
                        The first post will be the recruit's request to have at hand a link to that player, followed by the flotilla-welcome.
- 20150902 - CHANGED: |DEF| will be attractive to both single-campaign-players AND multi-players:
                        for SP we are going to reopen OPERATION SPINNENNETZ.
                        for MP we are going to offer RUMs and SpecOps.
- 20150903 - NEW: |DEF|-Signatures for everyone. Thanks to Aras!
- 20150907 - NEW: Welcome-GFX updated.
- 20150907 - NEW: Our new TS3-sections!
- 20150907 - CHANGED: Results of both actions (SP&MP) will be recorded and merged into the "Tonnage-Table" by Aras.
- 20150910 - Worked through another 100 messages to get this forum clean.
- 20150915 - [RELEASE] - NEW: [DEFPAK].7z
- 20150919 - CHANGED: Website is in the works. Galakev does not respond since months, so I do it.
- 20151006 - NEW: Added alpha-version of Operation Spinnennetz (by Canovaro/TBT).
- 20151007 - NEW: S3O (OS Client & OS Admin-Tool) in the works. A recode follows after completing test-runs.
- 20151008 - CHANGED: New test-site in the works:
- 20151019 - NEW: Signature-Oneliner with quick-links for everyone. READ MORE ABOUT |DEF| - The Doenitz Elite Flotilla
- 20151101 - NEW: From today we will have a new code-sheet for each month and an archive of the old ones.
- 20151102 - CHANGED: New Database-Format.
- 20151104 - Finally!! Aras is now back in the staff. Well deserved! Hos geldiniz, arkadas!!!
- 20151105 - S3O (the Admin-Tool-Part) sends two different notifications:
                        Contact report: A notification that a contact report has been processed plus a copy of that contact report
                        Status Report:  A notification that a status report has been processed.
- 20151106 - NEW: Aras and BL!TZKR!EG have summed up in a new thread.
- 20151111 - NEW: Public recruiting has now started again: [DEF] - The Doenitz Elite Flotilla invites you to...JOIN!
- 20151124 - NEW: Radio Traffic Exchange V4 now supports |DEF|. Tests running DEC/JAN.
- 20151203 - Worked through another 25 threads and uncounted messages to get this forum clean.
- 20151229 - CHANGED: Website reworked.

- 20160102 - CHANGED: New description of our flotilla as listed in Forum=182.
- 20160106 - NEW: First DEF-MONTH-Schedule ever.
- 20160113 - NEW sub-project: "SP2MPC".
- 20160115 - CHANGED: All our new |DEF|-signatures now sorted.
- 20160120 - [RELEASE] - [DEF]-We_are_back!.7z as an updated version of our little promo-trailer.
- 20160129 - CHANGED: DEF-Website updated with new .css, .html and GFX by [bl4c].
- 20160130 - NEW: NPC Account Doenitz installed and configured as User45 with acknowledgement by Susi-Admin.
- 20160201 - = Four Years Doenitz Elite Flotilla! =
- 20160202 - Sticky thread Doenitz Elite Flotilla - [GENERAL]-Talk That Does Not Fit Elsewhere cleaned and overhauled.
- 20160205 - Sticky thread Doenitz Elite Flotilla - Standard Operating Procedures (="ALL You Need To Know") cleaned and overhauled.
- 20160207 -  CHANGED: New formulas for the point-table-calculations. Totally reworked. Also many new GFX.
- 20160222 - NEW: Now S3R (=Radio Traffic Exchange Tool by EFB) is being introduced to |DEF|.
- 20160225 - Sticky thread Doenitz Elite Flotilla - Enigma Encryption - Howto & Practice overhauled (almost entirely rewritten).
- 20160229 - NEW signatures. Thanks King!
- 20160311 - "Operation Dead Weight" commencing now.
- 20160325 - Results of "Operation Dead Weight": removed 40+ threads and 200+ mails of dead weight from the flotilla.
- 20160402 - Fixed four scripts on our website.
- 20160501 - NEW: We have a new FLOTILLA-EMBLEM! Thanks to FB!
- 20160501 - CHANGED: Now GWM displays "Das-Boot-staff", our emblem and "knots-degrees-meters".
- 20160506 - NEW: signatures in 400x200px standard size.
                        They are ALL stored on our server
                        They are ALL dynamically updated with
                        U-Boot number and type
                        Kommandant rank and name
                        badges and medals
- 20160507 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED [DEF-PACK].7z.
- 20160511 - NEW: We can soon have dynamic signatures for all DEF-members. I have completed the code and it works!
- 20160526 - NEW: Our auto-generated DEF-signatures can now have different text-colors (addition to database).
- 20160531 - NEW: Our new QPFR-module has been completed over the weekend and is now in the test. See here.
- 20160601 - Fixed: After a short outage of 11 hours our Dutch affiliate-server is back online.
- 20160607 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED [DEF-PACK].7z to Edition "June 2016".
- 20160609 - NEW: Database (structured csv) created for SP and MP. Converter-code works!
- 20160610 - NEW: Pattern for HTML-Point-Table created. Code (sort array and write patterns) works.
- 20160614 - A first version of our new auto-generated HTML-scores can be seen on our our website!
- 20160615 - Added Susi-event: ►|DEF|-Wolfpack-Meeting◄.
- 20160616 - OPERATION KERNEVEL HAS BEGUN! Movin away from our old forum. It has become unsustainable!
- 20160618 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED [DEF-PACK].7z to Edition "June 2016-II".
- 20160622 - [RELEASE] - NEW FLOTILLA TOOL: DEF-Applicator V1.1.1.0b - Let's avoid trash-applications now!
- 20160625 - CHANGED: Our Point-Table is now AUTOGENERATED and ONLINE.
- 20160626 - NEW: Our new QMPR-module has been completed last night and is now in the test. See here.
- 20160703 - CHANGED: Our Point-Table is now compiled by only 4 remaining modules (merged them).
- 20160707 - [RELEASE] - Our first flotilla-video ever! → Doenitz Elite Flotilla - Videos
- 20160717 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA TOOL: Quick MP Reporter V1.0.12b.
- 20160721 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA TOOL: DAPP = DEF-Applicator V2.1.1.22b.
- 20160805 - NEW: San Diego on SMF!
- 20160808 - [RELEASE] - NEW FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFO = DEF-Online Viewer V1.3.7.5b.
- 20160812 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFO = DEF-Online Viewer V2.3.8.2b.
- 20160813 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA TOOL: DAPP = DEF-Applicator V3.1.3.5b.
- 20160824 - Added new SQL.
- 20160924 - We have announced Doenitz Elite Flotilla - CAMPAIGN #01: MITTELMEER-KAMPAGNE.
- 20160927 - Reworked: ARCHIVE: GOOD OLD [SEF] - SUBSiM ENiGMA FLOTiLLA (2010-2012)
- 20161004 - Updated to 2.0.12 and installed a heap of mods.
- 20161007 - evacuated Doenitz Elite Flotilla - Standard Operating Procedures (="ALL You Need To Know") from the grips of the SuSi-saboteurs
- 20161030 - NEW: Mittelmeer-Kampagne has begun.
- 20161017 - Reworked and moved our old main-thread and updated all links.
- 20161018 - Operation Kernevel I has been completed.
- 20161020 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA TOOL: DAPP = DEF-Applicator V4.1.4.0b.
- 20161023 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFO = DEF-Online Viewer V3.5.9.8b.
- 20161030 - NEW: Our automated POINT TABLE IN CHALK!
- 20161031 - NEW: Our GEN.db has been extended: CP=x now shows in the member-editor as CAMPAIGN-ACTIVITY-flag.
- 20161103 - [RELEASE] - Newsletter
- 20161111 - [RELEASE] - Newsletter.
- 20161121 - [RELEASE] - Newsletter.
- 20161210 - [RELEASE] - Newsletter.
- 20161220 - New redirect-link:

- 20170101 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA TOOL: DAPP = DEF-Applicator V5.2.5.5b.
- 20170101 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFO = DEF-Online Viewer V4.7.1.0b.
- 20170101 - [RELEASE] - Newsletter.
- 20170110 - Rewritten format and code-module for userdata_SiG.
- 20170118 - Rewritten format and code-module for userdata_GEN.
- 20170131 - Updated to 2.0.13 and installed more mods.
- 20170201 - = Five Years Doenitz Elite Flotilla! =
- 20170221 - NEW: With huge help by desertstriker |DEF| has now got their own TeamSpeak-server.
- 20170222 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA PACK: yet more nice signatures for DAPP, totalling to 42 now.
- 20170222 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA TOOL: DAPP = DEF-Applicator V6.4.6.8b.
- 20170223 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA TOOL: QPFR = Quick-PERSONNEL-FILE-Reporter V2.4.9.2b.
- 20170313 - [RELEASE] - Kiwi does not reply. Bstanko6 has now put the videos in the wrong place :-(.
- 20170326 - NEW: Sealed orders hidden in spoiler.
- 20170328 - [RELEASE] - Another video released: DEF-Video #11 - Attack Disc Training.
- 20170329 - [RELEASE] - Another video released: DEF-Video #12 - TDC Introduction.
- 20170330 - [RELEASE] - Another video released: DEF-Video #13 - Hunting By Sound 1.
- 20170401 - [RELEASE] - Newsletter.
- 20170404 - [RELEASE] - Another video released: DEF-Video #14 - Hunting By Sound 2.
- 20170409 - [RELEASE] - Another video released: DEF-Video #15 - 3 Bearing AOB.
- 20170411 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA TOOL: DAPP = DEF-Applicator V7.4.7.0b. Updated #2422777 and #74/182.
- 20170424 - [RELEASE] - Another video released: DEF-Video #16 - Enigma Trigram.
- 20170506 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA TOOL: DAPP = DEF-Applicator V8.5.8.4b. Updated #2422777 and #74/182.
- 20170516 - Updated to 2.0.14 and installed more mods.
- 20170521 - [RELEASE] - Another video released: DEF-Video #17 - Evasion.
- 20170522 - [RELEASE] - Another video released: DEF-Video #18 - Surviving Depth Charges.
- 20170523 - Website overhaul: CSS corrected.
- 20170524 - Website overhaul: 4 main pages reworked.
- 20170525 - Website overhaul: Menus reworked.
- 20170529 - Website overhaul: LAST CHANGE added. Can be updated by module AROS.
- 20170607 - NEW: For every |DEF|-U-Boot there is now a quick-link to its map-location (can be seen in our roster).
- 20170609 - [RELEASE] - Newsletter.
- 20170611 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA TOOL: QPFR = Quick-PERSONNEL-FILE-Reporter V3.5.9.5b.
- 20170709 - NEW: For use in DEF we have a new TS3-manual, rewritten by DS.
- 20170715 - NEW: Introducing the new 600x200 signatures for all active members. Thanks RF !!!
- 20170728 - [RELEASE] - Newsletter.
- 20170808 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA TOOL: QMPR = Quick MP Reporter V2.1.0.4b.
- 20170905 - NEW: More 600x200 signatures (more than 70!!) for all active members. Thanks RF !!!
- 20170919 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFO = DEF-Online Viewer V5.9.8.9b.
                        Susi-Admins do again not help us timely with updating links (click). File is still in mod-queue
                        Correction-note: 5 days later it has finally been done - again after they had to be reminded.
- 20170929 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA FILE: DEFP = DEF-Pack V5.0.0.0s Edition "16091891-I".
- 20171003 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA FILE: DEFM = DEF-Music-Collection (2005-2017).
- 20171003 - gatordad has been assigned FkMt/E.
- 20171005 - NEW: Introducing PBP = Point Bonifications / Penalties for activity and conduct.
- 20171006 - NEW: Introducing WPO = Wartime Period Orders.
- 20171007 - Approved and enlisted: Grey Eminence. A member of TBT !!
- 20171010 - NEW: Introducing DEFRDS.
- 20171011 - [RELEASE] - Newsletter.
- 20171011 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA FILE: DEFP = DEF-Pack V5.0.1.0s Edition "16091891-II".
- 20171012 - NEW: Introducing QFKM.
- 20171015 - NEW: We have a new directory (finally!): Introducing MiSSi0NS.
- 20171016 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA TOOL: QMPR = Quick MP Reporter V3.1.1.4b.
- 20171018 - [RELEASE] - NEW FLOTILLA TOOL: QFKM = Quick FunKMaat V1.0.0.0a.
- 20171020 - gatordad has been assigned RekrOffz.
- 20171028 - NEW: Our GEN.db has been extended: PBP=x now shows in the member-editor as corrective value.
- 20171101 - Updating all forum-links to relative addressing. By previous staff-members the necessary information has been
                        far too much scattered over the DEFF and since then too hard to find in too many locations and too lenghty texts.
- 20171101 - [RELEASE] - Newsletter.
- 20171102 - NEW: We have a new TeamSpeak-server.
- 20171106 - Applied several corrections to our ARCHiVE.
- 20171107 - NEW: The first point table with PBPCORR enabled is visible. More code to follow.
- 20171108 - NEW: The individual PBPCORR-value is now also shown in the table. Thanks TS for that idea.
                        Modules AREC and AROS updated and extended.
- 20171111 - NEW: Introducing QTMR.
- 20171115 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA TOOL: QPFR = Quick-PERSONNEL-FILE-Reporter V4.6.9.6b.
- 20171119 - We have announced Doenitz Elite Flotilla - CAMPAIGN #02: OPERATION PAUKENSCHLAG.
- 20171121 - MED-campaign has been closed. Summary has been published.
- 20171123 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA TOOL: DAPP = DEF-Applicator V9.5.9.2b.
- 20171125 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA TOOL: DAPP = DEF-Applicator V9.5.9.3b. Text was still showing "MED"-info :D
- 20171206 - [RELEASE] - Newsletter.
- 20171212 - NEW: Missions!
- 20171213 - NEW: OPERATiON PAUKENSCHLAG on SH4: Doenitz Elite Flotilla Incorporates SH4 with Operation Paukenschlag
- 20171220 - NEW: now discussing EVENT MISSIONS as in XVII again.
- 20171228 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA TOOL: QPFR = Quick-PERSONNEL-FILE-Reporter V5.6.9.9b.
- 20180101 -  [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFO = DEF-Online Viewer V6.0.0.0b. More.
- 20180102 -  [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: QPFR = Quick-PERSONNEL-FILE-Reporter V6.7.0.0b. Now creates PBP!
- 20180103 -  [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: QMPR = Quick-MULTI-PLAYER-Reporter V4.2.1.6b. Now creates PBP!
- 20180108 -  [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: QMPR = Quick-MULTI-PLAYER-Reporter V4.2.1.7b. Bug fixed (wrote wrong file).
- 20180109 -  [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DAPP = DEF-Applicator V10.0.0.0b - now with 85 beautiful 600x200 signatures!
- 20180111 -  [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: QMPR = Quick-MULTI-PLAYER-Reporter V4.2.1.8b. Bug fixed (wrote wrong string).
- 20180112 - NEW: DEF has now its own TeamSpeak-Guide: DEFT.
- 20180114 -  [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: QMPR = Quick-MULTI-PLAYER-Reporter V5.3.1.9b.
- 20180115 -  [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFO = DEF-Online Viewer V7.2.0.3b. More.
- 20180121 - NEW: now have an entry "Upcoming Calendar" that shows on the index-page what is coming up next.
- 20180128 -  [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: QMPR = Quick-MULTI-PLAYER-Reporter V6.3.2.0b.
- 20180131 -  [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: QPFR = Quick-PERSONNEL-FILE-Reporter V7.7.1.2b.
- 20180201 - = Five Six Years Doenitz Elite Flotilla! = - and the SuSi-idiots have killed that thread and tell us WE are hostile.
- 20180204 - NEW: S3MA-Pack#01 has been completed!
- 20180207 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: QFKM = Quick FunKMaat V2.0.3.2b
- 20180215 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DAPP = DEF-Applicator V10.1.0.1b.
- 20180224 - NEW: S3MA-Pack#02 has been completed!
- 20180306 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DAPP = DEF-Applicator V11.1.0.2b.
- 20180306 - [RELEASE] V2.1.0.2b - Module_S3MA: Now with S3MA-report!
- 20180315 - [RELEASE] V3.2.0.8b - Module_S3MA: Several enhancements to the S3MA-report!
- 20180316 - NEW:  |DEF| has now got a 5. Unterseebootflottille.
- 20180317 - NEW: S3MA-Pack#03 has been completed!
- 20180321 - [RELEASE] V4.3.2.9b - Module_S3MA: more functions: ShowBBC etc...
- 20180327 - [RELEASE] V5.3.3.4b - Module_S3MA: 1 new function and 5 improvements/fixes.
- 20180329 - [RELEASE] V6.3.4.8b - Module_LUCMIS: 3 improvements/fixes.
- 20180330 - [RELEASE] V7.3.7.2b - Module_S3MA: 3 minor bugs fixed, several improvements, REPLACE-function.
- 20180402 - NEW: S3MA-Pack#04 has been completed!
- 20180406 - [RELEASE] V8.4.8.4b - Module_S3MA: can now handle corrupted mission files ("Lucerne"-fix).
- 20180410 - [RELEASE] V9.5.9.2b - Module_S3MA: can now handle even more corrupted mission files ("U-588"-fix). Reads number of U-Boote.
- 20180428 -  [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: QMPR = Quick-MULTI-PLAYER-Reporter V7.7.2.1b.
- 20180502 - NEW: Server-Msg on DEFTS.
- 20180505 - Deactivated our old forum #1 and put notice on front-page:
- 20180510 - NEW: We introduce the "newbie-member"-account.
- 20180524 - CHANGED: Modules 1,2,3,4,8 are now one - geee, took me 3 weeks! 5,6,7 to go...
- 20180531 - [RELEASE] - DEF-Newsletter 03-05/2018 - "SPRINGTIME-EDITION"
- 20180602 -
NEW: S3MA-Pack#05 has been completed!
- 20180606 - CHANGED: UserData.GEN now contains EID, which replaces old PBP.
- 20180607 - Deactivated our old forum #2 on and closed it.
- 20180611 - FiXED and finalized registration-process on DEFF.
- 20180614 - CHANGED: Removed all DNDR-scripts from our main-website.
- 20180615 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: QMPR = Quick-MULTI-PLAYER-Reporter V8.8.3.3b.
- 20180617 - CHANGED: Modules 01-08 are now integrated in ONE code: DEFADM.
- 20180621 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: QFKM = Quick FunKMaat V3.0.4.2b
- 20180703 - NEW: Our DEFTS has been reviewed:
- 20180704 - FiXED for our domain:  RFC 822 and RFC 1123. Now and work as autoresponders.
- 20180713 - [RELEASE] V10.5.9.4b - Module_S3MA: fixed a very annoying bug - THANKS GATORDAD!
- 20180718 - NEW: Up in the menu it now gives you a link: OPERATiON MAPS.
- 20180717 - [RELEASE] - UPDATED FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFADM is now all modules 01-08 merged into one code.
- 20180720 - CHANGED: Point-Table/Scores now show TOP50+.
- 20180802 - NEW: MEMBER STATUS iNFORMATiON OVERViEW for each active member.
- 20180819 - NEW: DEF now has a beautiful DVD-cover!
- 20180831 - Kicked a number of lazy members out who do not even bother to read their mails.
- 20180915 - CHANGED: Roster now uses the new function to open the map centered on the U-Boot of the chosen Kommandant.
- 20180916 - TRANSACTED: OPERATION FRUEHJAHRSPUTZ has been completed!
- 20180919 - CHANGED: The "CONTRIBUTE"-button indicates that we do not emphasize on donations.
- 20180923 - CHANGED: The Eviction Papers can simply be automated!
- 20180925 - [RELEASE] V11.6.9.4b - Module_S3MA: modular modlist is now fetched from DEF-server. - THANKS GATORDAD!
- 20180930 - [RELEASE] - DEF-Newsletter 06-09/2018 - "SUMMERTIME-EDITION"
- 20181014 -
CHANGED: DEFADM now differentiates "summer-mode" vs "winter-mode".
- 20181102 - CHANGED: Now the point table is at its correct location and ready for rework.
- 20181105 - NEW: Introducing EINSATZGRUPPEN.
- 20181106 - NEW: Introducing ARBEITSGRUPPEN.
- 20181106 - CHANGED: All Logos, Ranks, Badges now on DEFMF, i.e. all DEFADM-files, too!
- 20181108 - NEW: Introducing DEFLAN - reason: EVOLVE SHUTS DOWN.
- 20181125 - [RELEASE] - DEF-Newsletter 10+11/2018 - "AWAKENING OF THE U-BOOTE"
- 20181127 - CHANGED: Reworking usergroups to reflect AG and EGr.
- 20181226 - NEW: Introducing a new code-module for DEFO: Module GetMSab() completed. - works.
- 20190114 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFO = DEF-Online Viewer V8.3.4.5b More.
                         Module GetMSab() completed.
                         Removed function GetUsrEVOLVEstatus().
                         Removed LWF.
- 20190114 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: QPFR = Quick-PERSONNEL-FILE-Reporter V8.8.2.1b.
                         Fixed a minor flaw.
                         Takes U-Boot-number from file and gives user that as default.
- 20190117 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFORD V1.0.0.0b.
- 20190118 - CHANGED: UserData.GEN now contains LID, which replaces old EID.
- 20190120 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFORD V1.0.0.4b has +2 sig and +2 stamps.
- 20190127 - CHANGED: Rekr.Offz. can now use the results of GSN() and GMN(). What a step ahead!
- 20190204 - CHANGED: GE has reworked group and announcement settings.
- 20190207 - CHANGED: A new INDEX-logo decorates this page now. Thanks to Shark.
- 20190216 - CHANGED: DEFADM now includes the module AINV. Testing was good!
- 20190227 - CHANGED: We have several new Arbeits-Gruppen!
- 20190306 - Our Captains-Roster (="Member-List") has a new BdU-table now. Updated AROS.
- 20190307 - Updated our Calendar-Instructions.
- 20190313 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: QMPR = Quick-MultiPlayer-Reporter V9.9.4.7b.
                         Fixed a minor flaw.
                         Added immersion :)
- 20190319 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: QPFR = Quick-PERSONNEL-FILE-Reporter V8.8.2.7b.
- 20190415 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: QPFR = Quick-PERSONNEL-FILE-Reporter V8.8.2.8b.
                         Fixed a minor flaw.
- 20190420 - NEW: FUEHRERGEBURTSTAG! And |DEF| has now got a 5. Unterseebootflottille - with own set of orders!
- 20190422 - Last remains of /GFX/34522690 deleted.
- 20190426 - Total overhaul of SQL/DB.
- 20190427 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFPAK Version Edition "16091891-III".
- 20190505 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFORD V1.0.0.6b has +2 FLs and +2 FLcmdrs. Can now handle PAU-campaign-files.
- 20190508 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFADM - now with meeting-participation-check.
- 20190521 - [RELEASE] V1.0.0.0a - Module_QRPC first version.
- 20190523 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFADM - fixed the 'wrong status after AREM'-bug.
- 20190526 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFADM-module_AREM, new lamer-kicker-function
- 20190528 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFORD V1.0.3.0b can now handle MON-campaign-files.
- 20190607 - NEW: We now have a POST-GENERATOR. Thanks to Nosferato!
- 20190627 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFO = DEF-Online Viewer V9.7.7.2 More.
- 20190704 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFO = DEF-Online Viewer V10.8.0.0 More.
                         Fixed FetchDEFLANUID(), it now determines not only all connected nodes, but also YOUR VERY OWN, too.
- 20190705 - CHANGED: Format of userdata.members() extended.
- 20190707 - NEW FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V1.0.0.0a = [S3Q] - Silent Hunter III-Quite Sophisticated U-Boot-Communications
- 20190904 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFO = DEF-Online Viewer V10.8.0.5 More.
                         Added new code. Removed plist-code.
- 20190910 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DAPP = DEF-Applicator V12.2.4.0b. COMPLETE RECODE!
- 20190913 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V1.0.3.4b = [S3Q] - Silent Hunter III-Quite Sophisticated U-Boot-Communications
- 20190928 - Spent much time in rewriting DEFADM_AiNV().
- 20190929 - NEW: AiOSi. Many new icons and smileys added to DEFF.
- 20191003 - CHANGED: DEF will cease, effective NOW, to send members  to SuSi.
- 20191010 - CHANGED: We are now integrating the DEF-DEVELOPERS-AREA into REV, step by step.
- 20191020 - FiXED sendmail-bug in DEFADM_AREM().
- 20191029 - SuSi-SNOT (Neal Stevens) has deleted our old forum. Entirely, even the the ENiGMA-Howto. Imagine that!
- 20191112 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFO = DEF-Online Viewer V11.9.4.0 More.
- 20191118 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFO = DEF-Online Viewer V11.9.6.2: Finally a much better DEFLAN-detection-code. Saves a lot of memory now!
- 20191125 - CHANGED: Workgroup AG "MiSSi0NS" disbanded.
- 20191203 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DAPP = DEF-Applicator V12.2.4.2b. Bugfix 1 forgotten line.

- 20200104 - FiXED 'action=register' on DEFF. Thanks Grey!
- 20200203 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFPAK V7.1.1.0s
- 20200210 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V2.1.5.5b
- 20200216 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFO V12.0.0.0b
- 20200311 - Scheduled downtime to get donations together.
- 20200312 - Testing new Maintenance Mode with GE/REV.
- 20200313 - UPDATED TO v2.0.17.
- 20200314 - End of scheduled downtime. Shark/REV reports: Nearest payments complete.
- 20200315 - [RELEASE] SH3 is 15 years old! 15YSH3 released.
- 20200316 - New DEFTS3-link with invitation-screen.
- 20200318 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DAPP = DEF-Applicator V12.2.4.6b. Bugfix.
- 20200326 - CHANGED: DEF-PiX-server-area reorganized.
- 20200402 - REMOVED: DEFMAN - a starter's manual for new DEF-members.
- 20200416 - REMOVED: CPP - The Current Patrol Period.
- 20200508 - Project 'The Fusion of DEFORD and JFO' abandoned. Waste of time.
- 20200509 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFO V12.0.1.2b. Experimental compile against test-library.
- 20200511 - Aktion 27426733 completed.
- 20200512 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFO V12.0.1.3b. Bugfix. Malfunctional code temporarily removed.
- 20200517 - [RELEASE] Our 2020-video → SILENT HUNTER RECRUITS
- 20200522 - NEW: Thanks to GE, we got a new 'register'-page emphasizing that DAPP must be used.
- 20200605 - NEW: GSN to be included with DEFO.
- 20200606 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFO V12.1.1.4b. count fixed. module_GSN() added.
- 20200612 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: [DAPP] - |DEF|-Applicator V13.4.0.0b NEW pick-program-code completed!
- 20200624 - 'SH3-AiO-Sound-Mod' abandoned. Files to be published.
- 20200625 - 'DEFM - The Doenitz Elite Flotilla Manager' abandoned.
- 20200627 - [RELEASE] Our 2020-advertisement → Ferig Marci
- 20200712 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: [DAPP] - |DEF|-Applicator V13.5.0.0b NEW auto-KMPQ-program-code completed!
- 20200727 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: [DAPP] - |DEF|-Applicator V13.5.0.5b FiXED auto-KMPQ-program-code.
- 20200805 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFO V12.1.2.0b. Bugfix and more code added to module_GSN().
- 20200806 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: [DAPP] - |DEF|-Applicator V13.5.0.9b Bugfix and added smart logic.
- 20200809 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: [DAPP] - |DEF|-Applicator V14.0.0.0b DAPP is now ready for all our campaigns.
- 20200812 - Approved and enlisted: FIEDLER.
- 20200824 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V3.2.6.2b now patches an existing S3O to version 3.14.
- 20200908 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: [DAPP] - |DEF|-Applicator V14.0.2.7b Improved BBCode a lot.
- 20200914 - [RELEASE] Everyone take full cover! → Make-Up-Lesson = Schminkkurs
- 20201001 - [RELEASE] DEFMUS_V2020.7z
- 20201003 - [UPDATED]: TeamSpeak-Guide: DEFT.
- 20201023 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: [DAPP] - |DEF|-Applicator V14.0.3.0b New code for UST,USU,UBI.
- 20201031 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V3.2.7.7b
- 20201106 - NEW: DEF-MONEYPOOL to help collect and cover the regular costs (besides general donations).
- 20201110 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V3.3.0.0b - NEW QRPC-Auto-Link (Thanks, FIEDLER) and new client test code.
- 20201122 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFADM, new module DEFADM_GSNM().
- 20201201 - NEW: Member-contests for all Kommandanten!
- 20201206 - NEW: ARBEITSGRUPPE "FORUM" has published the New Forum Dropdown Functions.
- 20210107 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: [DAPP] - |DEF|-Applicator V14.0.6.1b - Fixes yyy/nnn and new "ACK"-screen
- 20210120 - Reworked all QUAL-files for DEFADM.
- 20210123 - [UPDATED OUR WEBSITE] New JS-less outlook, thanks to JackS
- 20210129 - NEW: DEAD END created.
- 20210130 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA MOD: DEF Game Interface V2 (20210130).
- 20210130 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA PACK: DEFPAK V8.1.1.0s
- 20210219 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: [DAPP] - |DEF|-Applicator V15.1.0.0b - Try it out, you will see even SH5, SH4, U-Boot and Wolfpack in the mod-list!
- 20210227 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: [DAPP] - |DEF|-Applicator V15.1.6.2b - 82 signatures now, improved logic-code
- 20210328 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: [DAPP] - |DEF|-Applicator V15.1.6.4b - bugfix in the sig-code.
- 20210409 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: [DAPP] - |DEF|-Applicator V15.1.8.6b - Easier SP/rep-code.
- 20210418 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFADM: module_AREM() is in effect again.
- 20210419 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: [DAPP] - |DEF|-Applicator V15.1.9.7b - ack-fix, new info-text
- 20210421 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: [DAPP] - |DEF|-Applicator V15.1.9.8b - practic new little U-Boot-link
- 20210505 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFADM: userdata_GEN.csv has a new format!
- 20210516 - MON - WELCOME TO OPERATION MONSUN completely rewritten. Thanks GE for help and FI for advertising.
- 20210518 - PAU - WELCOME TO OPERATION PAUKENSCHLAG completely rewritten.
- 20210520 - MIT - WELCOME TO THE MITTELMEER completely rewritten.
- 20210525 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: [DAPP] - |DEF|-Applicator V15.2.2.2b - Improved hosts-logic.
- 20210527 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: [DAPP] - |DEF|-Applicator V15.2.5.3b - Yet more help buttons: qMP, qSP added.
- 20210622 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: [DAPP] - |DEF|-Applicator V15.2.5.7b - Steam UID fix, UBI UID fix etc.
- 20210628 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: DEFO V12.2.2.2b - DEFO now 'Project DEFCON'-files to std ftp.
- 20210703 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: [DAPP] - |DEF|-Applicator V15.2.5.9b - removed duplicate message and gave a better readable color.
- 20210704 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: [DAPP] - |DEF|-Applicator V15.2.6.0b - new DEFCON-entry.
- 20210707 - NEW: OVERVIEW post with pictures and links for every Kommandant.
- 20210722 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: [DAPP] - |DEF|-Applicator V16 FINAL - fixed: USu.s, GEN.s, examples - and trimmed
- 20210815 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA PACK: DEFPAK V8.2.1.0s
- 20210901 - [UPDATED] Doenitz Elite Flotilla - UNiQUE FEATURES! ► Compare yourself... ◄
- 20211002 - = STANDING ORDERS & GENERAL RULES = completely rewritten.
- 20211011 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q_DEFO V12.3.2.6b - several code optimizations and corrections.
- 20211019 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V3.4.1.1b - Completely NEW WS-code. ASCii-display-fix.
- 20211117 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V4.0.0.0b all in one pack, much new code, code inclusions as announced.
- 20211204 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V4.1.0.4b: Improved code for DAPP-entries, new logwindow.

- 20220102 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V4.2.0.0b: demo sig removed, r/s buttons clickable
- 20220103 - [NEW] FLOTILLA TOOL: MFiX now gets your the proper image-link.
- 20220104 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V4.2.0.1b: Quick Bugfix for 1 miscreated loop.
- 20220113 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V4.4.2.1b: 100% S3OPatch included, Jacko-fool-filter, MFix
- 20220117 - [RELEASE] |DEF| - The Doenitz Elite Flotilla - How To Join - Video Tutorial
- 20220117 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V4.4.2.5b: S3OS error msg, introfix, bugfix in QPFR
- 20220124- REMOVED: Following the "Brigodoon incident", you start a NEW career in DEF - no more "imported" careers.
- 20220315 - Approved and enlisted: Convoy_PQ17.
- 20220326 - Contests are on again.
- 20220326 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V4.4.3.6b: Bugfix for QPRC_MF-Link-Conversion & contest-extension.
- 20220415 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V4.4.4.0b: new DAPP-subroutine logic, text-corrections
- 20221209 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V4.5.7.3b: several code improvements.

- 20230404 - Approved and enlisted: ButcherBiird.
- 20230407 - [UPDATED] FLOTILLA TOOL: S3Q V4.5.7.8b: logfix, gwhois-fix, 5UFfix
« Last Edit: 20230610, 09:41:48 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »


  • ...somewhere...below...
  • REViSi0N
  • one of the leaders
  • Posts: 2.002
  • ELiTE Skill Level:
    • Links!!
« Reply #2 on: 20161007, 20:44:03 »
How can I join |DEF|?
  YES YOU CAN! No need to make rocket-science out of this so simple thing! You just [REGiSTER AN ACCOUNT].
  Download the tool. "S3Q_DAPP - The Doenitz Elite Flotilla Applicator" will help you get things straight.
  Answer all questions therein. Again: Answer ALL questions that is! Hover your mouse over fields to see what is requred.
  If the CONTINUE-button does not show up, it is simply that you must fill it out completely AND CORRECTLY. Simple as that! Period!
  This tool will then create an application entry in our userdatabase and also submit it for you. That is all to it. Really! No big deal.
  Also, you can browse through all our pretty signatures with it - enjoy!
  background and more details: show
  Since 2016 we do not take simple forum registrations or attempts to join per mail anymore.
  We have really had it with 'high-maintenance-lamers' who were just too lazy to properly fill out a simple form because they wanted to
  save their oh-so-precious time, but on the other hand wanted us to run after them (and then waste our time for that!) to get complete and meaningful data.
  That process had cost too much time for us to chase correct answers. No more! We use our tool which helps the applicant to provide meaningful data
  and have it all transferred automatically to our staff for review. It therefore must be able to connect, so allow it through your firewall!
  Yet more: Everything about our tool 'S3Q' and all its modular functions is well-documented in [S3Q] - Silent Hunter III-Quite Sophisticated U-Boot-Communications

  [NOTE #1:] The programm must connect to the internet, because it is subject to continuous development, thus it must verify that you run the latest version.

  [NOTE #2:] The programm must connect to the internet, because it must fetch the graphics files, so you can pick your individual signature.

  [NOTE #3:] The programm must connect to the internet, because it must be able to send/submit the application-data that you enter.

  [NOTE #4:] Ignore the false warnings that heuristics of some antivirus-tools give you.

  [NOTE #5:] We have never put any virus into our tools and you can even verify the file-integrity with the MD5-checksums that we publish.

When downloading [DEF-toolname], I receive virus message: Win32: Evo-gen [Susp] (or similar)
  You can safely ignore warnings that might want to see a virus or a trojan in it, those are false alerts.
  Such false positives mostly come from cheap AV-software like AVAST/AVG/Defender.
  LONG and DETAILED explanation: show
You will probably receive similar messages from your a/v software when you attempt to download and/or run many of the tools/apps available here at DEF. You may also receive different types of messages from your a/v software, regarding type of virus or malware. These are simply false positive reports, since the a/v detection criteria (database) usually won't know what our apps are or what they do, they just have an idea it is a virus or malware because the app retrieves data from our forum/website (ex. DEFO) or submits data from your pc (ex. reporting apps such as S3MT, S3Q with its modules QPFR, QMPR, S3O, etc.).

Some a/v software are overly defensive and will prevent downloading or immediately quarantine or even delete the file if you were able to download. You may disregard those warnings as there are NO viruses or malware associated with these excellent programs created by BL!TZKR!EG or other notable modders in the SH3 community (this is in reference to those apps found here on our forum or S3A - our file archives). It is best to disable your a/v & malware protection software before downloading the app(s), and then exclude the app(s) from within your a/v software. This will allow you to download and successfully run all of the available apps provided by DEF. Note: you will also need to allow certain apps access through your firewall if you still have problems getting the app to run after successfully downloading and excluding.

Some a/v software are far easier to manage exclusions than others. For example, Kaspersky and AVG are easy to temporarily shut down, download and exclude the app(s). On the other hand, Norton & McAfee, to only name a few of many, are a real pain in the butt to identify safe/threat free items and then download and exclude your needed app(s).

If you really want to delve deeper into this area, you might want to read this Annoying false positives: Win32-Evo-gen [Susp]. Also VERY interesting on this: NirBlog: Antivirus companies cause a big headache to small developers.

Which games and mods can I play in |DEF| ?
  Oh, that is simple: Because all that information is required for an application anyway, we have put a complete list of supported games (and even mega-mods) into our DEF-APPLICATOR, so simply download and use S3Q_DAPP just as if you want to [REGiSTER AN ACCOUNT]. In short: Wolfpack, UBOOT, SH5, SH4, SH3, SH2, AOTD.

How can I see who of us is online to chat or play?
  We are public. And everyone is invited to come along, step in and meet us online.
  - DEFO is made to not only watch our members but also the members of our teams and friend-clans. Try it!
  - You can also go to our website and click on COMMUNICATIONS. Then scroll down a little and find an overview on TS3.
  - NEW! An extra TeamSpeak-link has been added to the top-menu of our forum.

Can I continue my patrol or do I have to start a new career?
  YES, you can! Just have your documents transferred. We have also programmed tools that allow even "extraordinary" transfers.
  Talk to any staff-officer for more details and a helping hand.

What is the correct spelling and pronounciation of Doenitz?
  The correct spelling of the German name is Dönitz, but most non-Germans cannot use this special character.
  It is however not appropriate to write Donitz (as in our old domain). That is utterly wrong. A request to fix this is still pending.
  Therefore, Doenitz is the best and even accurate compromise - even Swiss-Germans write it in that manner.
  Listen and repeat:

How can I pick a new Kommandant (example: U-Boot was sunk)?
  That is exactly the same process as though you were joining as a new member:
  You just open this post, then click on join. Download that tool. DAPP will help you get things straight.
  Enter all the data and it will be updated in our userdatabase then.

I like the signatures that |DEF| offers for active members: Can I see which are available?
  Our signatures are publicly visible. Simply download DAPP, it presents the newest DEF-signature-pack and lets you look through all of them.

How can I promote |DEF| and attract new recruits?
  One thing is that you are asked to carry a DEF-signature as a personal banner under your postings. We will advise you as how to use it.

Which types of U-Boote can I play in |DEF|?
Throughout the war a variety of different U-Boot-types were produced. Some of these are modelled in Silent Hunter III, either directly or via mods. The Doenitz Elite Flotilla typically deploys the Typ-VII-U-Boote and the term "U-Boote", cause it is German and not English, and we do not follow political correctness nor do we wish to apply wardriver Churchill's terminology. The following U-Boot types can be sailed in DEF:

For SH3:
  Type 2: IIa, IIb, IId
  Type 7: VIIa(read how and why), VIIb, VIIc, VIId, U-Flak, VIIc/41, VIIc/42
  Type 9: IXb, IXc, IXc/40, IXd2
  Type 21: XXI, such as U-2511, see the list of Type XXI submarines
  Type 23: XXIII, such as U-2336, see the list of Type XXIII submarines
  Note that the Italian series 600 is only available in MP.
For SH4:
  Type 2: IIb
  Type 7: VIIb, VIIc
  Type 9: IXb, IXc, IXd2
For SH5:
  Type 2: IIa
  Type 7: VIIa, VIIb, VIIc, VIIc/41

Do I need a special MOD to play Single Player Career or Campaign Play in |DEF|?
  Short answer: no.
  Detailed answer: You may play with any halfway decent mod that you like. For SP and CP we propose to use WAC 4.1 or GWX 3.0.
   See here how others play: JSGME-MOD-List For SH3

How often do I report in?
  Report in every 24 hours(real time)! on the days you play, limited to max. 1 report per R/L-day
  This is to simulate "keep radio-silence" and do not risk being detected!
  Follow the exact instructions provided how to do proper reporting.

I got something for |DEF|. How can I send that file to you?
  BUT! If it is a mission-file use [S3MT] - The Silent Hunter III-Mission Toolkit (by BL!TZKR!EG)

I cannot play for the moment, how do I request a LOA?
  Short answer: Post such a request into your personal thread and state UNTIL WHEN this LOA shall go and DO report in at no later than that desired date.
LONG and DETAILED explanation: show

  Sometimes, real-life gets in the way of playing missions. This is understood and is perfectly acceptable. If you are going to be away,
  you can prevent yourself from being listed as "MiA" or removed from the roster by posting a "Leave of Absence" (LoA)-post to your personal thread.

  So if you are inactive, instead of having your status switch to "MiA" you will instead be listed as "LOA" (=On Leave). Thus, you can be away from the game,
  but still be registered as a participating (albeit temporarily absent) member.

  Please note that your status in terms of being "Missing" is based on your missions, not your forum activity. Thus, if you are no longer playing mission,
  but are still active on the forums, you still need to post a "Leave of Absence" notice.

  And, if you see a player being listed as "Missing" on the Results page, everyone is encouraged to send them a PM and ask them "what's up?".
  This way we maintain a community spirit and look out for those who fall by the wayside.
  It also can serve as a reminder to those who simply forgot to post their "LoA" note.

  Reporting Leave of Absence

  As stated above, if you are going to be away, you must post a "Leave of Absence" (LoA) post to your thread.
  The Subject should be either "Leave of Absence" or "LoA" or similar. You don't have to give any reasons (although you can if you wish).
  However, you must state when you intend to return. This should also be in the form "YYYYMMDD", for example "20170501".
  Please do not use anything else. Different countries use different date systems, and we want to avoid confusion.

What happens if I do not comply to the rule "one lifesign in personal thread at least once a month" after I did not request LOA?
  Short answer: Come on! This is no childcare center, this is an ELITE-flotilla. That is really not asked too much!
LONG and DETAILED explanation: show

  Members not showing a lifesign in their thread for 30 days will be
  • reminded ONCE to keep our number-one-rule "KEEP TOUCH!"
  • moved from active roster down to "AWAITING PROPER REPORT"
  • receive an "IMPROVE"-stamp on their signature so everyone can clearly see that things need improvement
   Members not showing a lifesign in their thread for max. 60 days
  • removed from active roster and put on "RESERVES-LIST"
  • receive an "INACTIVE"-stamp on their signature so that they inbox does not get cluttered (inactive members usually do not answer anyway)
  • have their thread closed and/or deleted, i.e. lose their career
  • retaining their U-Boot or Kommandant-name is not anylonger guaranteed beyond this time, another player may claim it.
  • such reservists must use DAPP and re-register again.
  • returning and/or reactivation is at the discretion of flotilla-command. BL!TZKR!EG has a veto-option on this.

I am not used to GWM, have you got some training-missions for me to try out?
    Yes! Definitely. Hundreds of them! All public and free in |S3MA| - THE SILENT HUNTER III - MISSION ARCHIVE.

What picture-hoster do you recommend?
    We have learned from bad experiences, every DEF-member receives a slot on our server for his personal patrol-pictures and a personal MEDiAFiRE-account for
    everything else together with detailed instructions: HOW TO USE MEDIAFIRE AS PICTURES HOST

Elite Skill Level - What's that??
  This Activity Bar is displayed under every user's avatar to encourage users to show more activity than just lurking around.
  Yes, the user has influence on this, for example by actively contributing to the forum (posting...).
  Anything below 100% indicates that the user is currently contributing "below his best".

Why is |DEF| no longer active on Susi?
  See here and draw your own conclusions: The Situation on Susi-whiners-club (formerly known as

There used to be a |DEF|-forum on Susi. Where has that gone?
  We were mobbed out solely on the basis of the accusations of Texas Cowboy Fascist, the Texas Rebel and the Texas Bass Fisher.
  When we brought screenshots to prove they were wrong, we were censored and choked off.
  See here and draw your own conclusions: The Situation on Susi-whiners-club (formerly known as

There used to be specific channels for SH3 and |DEF| on Susi's TS3. Gone too?
  Same here. First our files were deleted and we were not even given the courtesy to download them for backups,
  then a bit later our channels were removed (again without any info or contact) and now that server is gone (again...).
  See here and draw your own conclusions: The Situation on Susi-whiners-club (formerly known as

There used to be several very helpful sticky threads on Susi. Same?
  Yes. Pure vindiction - for whatever. Only one day after desertstriker announced "TBT leaving WAC 5.0" the admin-clique
  on Susi did not only choke off that thread and practically disabled my account. Only one day later ALL my threads
  (not only the one about WAC) had suddenly been unstickied and burried under the rubble of that cluttered forum. Some
  of my threads have even been deleted completely, I was not even given the courtesy of making backups from them.
  See here and draw your own conclusions: The Situation on Susi-whiners-club (formerly known as

Where can I now get help?
  Oh, do not worry. Since it was me who wrote most of the help files of the past 5+ years, it is no loss when the SuSi-whiners play wild.
  We have it all here anyway:
  Current Projects - An Introduction - Projects? Projects! - [HOWTO] - Collected Actual Help
  [S3G] The Silent Hunter III Guide - Not Only For Beginners of [SH3]
  [TEC] Installation of SH3 on anything later than WinXP (Vista, 7 / 8 / 10...)
  [TEC] PATCHES FOR SiLENT HUNTER III [SH3] and their appropriate installation
  [SFSF-MODULE] - The New Solution for "Steam" & "Starforce" Issues
  [S3F] - Silent Hunter III-Front-End - the NEW way to go (DEV-Thread)

I have got a problem with my SH3-installation - HELP!
  99,99% of the problems arise because users ignore the crystal clear instructions we provide. GET WITH THE SYSTEM! FOLLOW THEM!
  [S3G] The Silent Hunter III Guide - Not Only For Beginners of [SH3]
  We can not recommend you to ask your question on SuSi because everybody can watch that asking users mostly get
  some stupid "welcome, welcome" and no help related to their question at all.
  What we can recommend is that you search your question on the net. In most cases your question has been discussed before in the 10+ years of SH3.

  If you really want to create a new topic, please post a complete error description AND include a screenshot.
  You will surely be helped as long as you provide details and not just say "does not work" and let everyone guess in the dark.

  If you really need our help then be online on our DEFTS3-server for a voice-talk.
  What we ask you to understand is that we offer NO EMAIL-SUPPORT, we speak and we even give a helping hand using TeamViewer.
  Also we ask you understanding that we require non-members to show the courtesy of a donation, we do not want to
  always do the work for nothing and then others get the praise - greetings to Steel Wolves and Lone Sharks!
« Last Edit: 20220106, 08:16:10 by REV_Grey Eminence »


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« Reply #3 on: 20161007, 20:45:13 »

20100402. A small group of players got the idea to increase realism in their SH3 game play. We wanted to, as much as possible, put ourselves in the shoes of a real U-Boot-Kommandant. We named our group the "Enigma Flotilla" and posted a thread at the SuSi-forum telling about us and asking for recruits to join. That was when SEF, the Subsim Enigma Flotilla was built. We had about twelve members when we first started. To add more immersion to our gameplay, we decided to start using a “Human BdU” (Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote – Supreme Commander of the U-Boot Arm of the Kriegsmarine) who will issue orders over the forum. This enabled us to add specific scenarios to our gameplay and to roleplay much more deeply. At the time we began using the Enigma-simulator to send messages while we were on patrol. As everyone knows this encyphering has a long learning curve. After about six months our members started dropping off. Eventually we only had four members left. The four of us put our heads together to discuss the mistakes we had made. We decided to disband the Enigma Flotilla led by NoGoodLandLubber, who came from Devils Of The Deep and start a new flotilla:

20120201. The Doenitz Elite Flotilla was born, a group of Silent-Hunter III-enthusiasts from all over the world with a far more professional approach. Apart of only a couple of rules, we do not force any of our Kommandanten(="commanders") to use specific mods. Our first objective is to enjoy the immersion as much as possible and thus you could even play an own mod-soup.  But we offer DEFRDS and we offer our mod-recommendations.

Our contests lasted for three months and the Flotilla used make a donation to SuSi from the overall Ace in the name of the winning Commander. During the last two deployments we have donated $50.00 (Contest1: andwii, contest2: vonHarris). We have not continued this practice because the guys running that forum do everything besides appreciating our efforts.

20140806. Staff were still scratching their heads, why numbers were remaining steady, but not moving significantly. A re-evaluation of Doenitz Elite Flotilla started and the question was asked: ‘What do we offer above the standard game?’ The only real thing we could come up with was a human input from BdU, rather than a computer generated BdU. Therefore, the staff came up with the following ideas:

•   There needs to be something to aim for
•   There needs to be a way of measuring yourself against your peers
•   We need to be flexible in how people wish to play their game
•   Although The Battle of The Atlantic was a tonnage war, does this really equate to a good Kommandant?

Our motto now changed to:
Tired of sailing the seas by yourself?
Tired of playing SH3 alone?
Tired of radio messages that mean nothing?
Tired of surfing the North Atlantic just to sink ships without direction?
Tired of having no real BDU?
Tired of no real rewards for your brave exploits?

Gone are the days of your campaign going unmonitored, we will be here to provide support, guidance and direction in times of need. We offer much more than just a place to come and play, and here is why:
We offer you a full command structure.
We offer you realistic patrol orders based on U-Boot-type and experience.
We offer you real radio messages.
We offer you a BDU headquarter through our web site.
We offer you competition with other U-Boot Commanders.
We offer you the option of using the Enigma if you want.
We offer you points for following the rules and the tons you sunk.
We offer awards for outstanding patrols and achievements
We offer you the chance to be ace of the period and ace of the game.
We promote from within our flotilla.
We offer you comrades, simply compare and judge yourself.

We play at our leisure after receiving orders and send in status, contact and/or weather reports, optionally using the Enigma-simulator. It seems a bit confusing at first, but it is actually very easy once you get our simple step by step setup methods learned. We find it makes for very enjoyable time spent playing. We find it fun decoding messages also. Because of the high training curve use of the Enigma is optional. We highly recommend using the Enigma! We also provide information on using the Enigma machine so that everybody has opportunity to train with it until comfortable using in-game.

- learn the format of messages that were sent.
- learn to send and receive enigma messages.
- learn to use the Grid system for reporting your position.

The premise of “DEF” is based on the concept already developed by a handful other online communities such as “Iblitz" and one called the “Atlantik! Campaign” built around Silent Hunter II, the other three “Wolves at War”, a dedicated Silent Hunter III campaign community, "Enigma Flotilla" and “Nordfront”, our MP-predecessor-group.

We are the remains of flotillas that focussed too much on specific things - we wanted it more flexible. Unlike our predecessor-flotillas and all others, we support Single Player(SP) AND Campaign Play (CP) AND MultiPlayer(MP)-wolfpacks.

DEF consists of former and current members of...

XVII - Nordfront (Bleichrodt, Weber, Lepper, Fiedler, BL!TZKR!EG, Opitz, KLT-Lars, Dobratz)
SS - Steel Sharks (Blackswan40, dano)
WaW - Wolves at War (Alfred Keitzer, Fubar295, Rudolf Zorn)
SEF - Subsim Enigma Flotilla (Laufen zum Ziel, complutum, Walter Kurtz)

To participate you must be a member. Use our APPLICATION TOOL to set up your personal Kommandant (U-Boot Commander) and your career/campaign.

The main objective of the U-Boote was to attack Britain's vital arteries, that is, to sink as much mercantile shipping as possible, to cripple and starve the island nation into defeat. Attacks on any vessel sailing beneath a neutral country's flag are strictly forbidden, regardless of its location within a patrol zone. Check your targets as offending captains will face swift and severe repercussions up to and including demotion, reduction of career tonnage credit and transfer to a second-line flotilla!

On occasions, attacks directed towards convoy escorts and other warships are authorized, usually in the mission orders, and credit will be awarded for the sinking of a warship. However, unauthorised and unnecessary attacks against warship are strongly discouraged due to the increased risk to the U- boat. A player who continues to go out of their way to attack convoy escorts will be labelled as a Head-hunter and will shunned by both man and beast until the end of all eternity, and “maybe” assigned to a type IIb boat until said commander starts hunting more suitable targets.

Honesty is the Best Policy. Not playing your mission at this level can lead to reduction of tonnage, rank and possible reassignment within the campaign. Inflated statistics aren't hard to notice, especially by the mission writers. So please, play the missions honestly. Not doing so takes away from the campaign and especially the people who do stick to the Guidelines.

Due to playing the missions at higher realism, it is expected members will need to save their game many times. However, choosing not to save in order to start-over from a previous, more advantageous point or to replay a mission for a better result, either tonnage or to not be destroyed, is considered dishonourable.

Should a mission end in a player being ‘captured' or destroyed, then the player is to send a Personal Message with the date, time and location of the capture or destruction to their Flotilla Commander. If the U-Boot captain goes down with his boat, then both will be listed as KIA, and the player chooses another Commander's name. If the captain is captured, then manages to escape and return to his flotilla, he will be assigned a new U-Boot.

Campaign promotions and medals will be awarded following a standard list of criteria , so just being a “tonnage king” does not always mean instant rewards. In fact, deliberate attacks on escort vessels or being a “head hunter” will reflect negatively on your upward progress through the ranks. Awards will be based on the number of missions played, the number of safe returns and not based on the tonnage score (aka your skill with your boat), the results of patrols as well as overall participation. You may want to read up on our PBP = Point Bonifications / Penalties-system.

Enhance your game, bring variety to it, join the experience of a lifetime!
« Last Edit: 20220112, 19:50:21 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »

Offline Karl Doenitz

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« Reply #4 on: 20161007, 20:45:38 »
    • If you MOMENTARILY can not do that, inform us ahead and not two weeks later when we ask you where you have been!
    • If you CONTINUOUSLY do not attend, you impede our efforts to have regular communications. NO MORE BULLSHIT from
      ignorants who think they can go like "oh not important for me", our software will track that down and give you negative PBP.

    • We do not tolerate flimsy excuses! Get yourself a headset and install TS3! Discussing everything per mail back and forth
      takes too much time and causes only misunderstandings in the long run. And everyone says he has only little/limited time...

    • |DEF| leaves an impression of brimming activity
    • |DEF| gets forward and is attractive to REGULAR, LOYAL and RELIABLE players ("RLR")
    • every member-request is reacted upon and answered ASAP
    • even if the matter may not be on your area - JUMP IN WHERE YOU SEE DELAY!

    • We do not tolerate laziness! Make every effort to be a regular, reliable and communicative Kommandant!
    • We do not tolerate idiot-behaviour! PROVE YOU ARE ELITE - STOP BEING A SUSI-FOOL AND ACT ELITE!
    • We do not tolerate ignorance! If you are addressed by e.g. any moderator, you are expected to respond as directed.
    • Considerate behavior is expected from everyone! Read your mails! Answer them! Keep in touch!

    • operational orders
    • patrol reports and all the lovely pictures/screenshots
    • patrol debriefings/KTB ("war diaries") as well as promotions and all the shiny awards
    • and generally all communication as Kommandant in DEF
    • The very first post comprises a personal 2do-list. Pay attention to completing it!

    • ASAP means as soon as possible, without inexcused delay or laches!
    • Our software "DEFADM" is configured to give ignorants a "kick" to get more attention.
    • A simple one-liner in your thread as a life-sign at least once every 30 days is NOT asked too much!
      No flimsy excuses! No ifs, buts or maybes.

[MP] - Wolfpack Actions in Multi-Player
    • use a headset and be on OUR TEAMSPEAK
    • put that into the calendar as an MP-meeting (instructions)
    • make sure that it becomes obvious what they are hosting
      • by naming your host-server as demonstrated in this pattern:
        • I-14b-I___NO_MODS!___IDEFI
        • I-GWM-I___NO_MODS!___IDEFI
        • I-GWX-I___NO_MODS!___IDEFI
  • Beginning Procedures in an MP/Wolfpack are:
    • we always start in the command room,
    • go to the F5-Navigation-Map,
    • report in your location CLOCKWISE, commencing with the most northern U-Boot,
    • P: get to Periscope Depth,
    • Z: order Silent Running,
    • Q and open all tubes and
    • report combat readiness.
  • Ending Procedures in an MP/Wolfpack are also very simple:
    • Take a screenshot of the ending score screen
    • Report the outcome as explained in proper reporting.

[SP] - Your Individual Career in Single Player
    • can play at their pace and leisure as long as they keep touch and keep the flotilla updated at least once every 30 days
    • are allowed to play all mods and mega-mods as long as they do not change their sub into some unrealistic super-sub
      or cheat in another way. All U-Boote deployed in |DEF| must be equipped historically or at least halfway decent.

    • are to check their thread frequently for updates, BdU-reactions or change of orders.
    • must adhere to a maximum time-scale of 128 when playing the game, the game engine fails spawning units above 128 and
      you would finish the patrol so quickly that by the time Doenitz sees your status report, he will look out of his window and
      see you already back again docking in port!

    • Though it may be more elegant the other way, all Kommandanten can leave port without waiting for orders, however once
      the orders are issued in your thread, you are required to change course to the patrol grid ordered by BdU and follow these
      orders. This is to simulate "open the envelope at sea" - like in the movie.

    • Plot your route using the quickest route. Do not deviate too much from your assigned route. In case the direct route is
      dangerous, i.e. crossing English Channel, heavy allied air coverage, shallow waters or alike, you may take a longer route.

  • Ending Procedures in SP are also very simple:

[CP] - Campaign Play in Single Player
    • Should you have selected to take part in one of our campaigns during the application process, your CP-flag will show as "1".
      Your personal career will now follow the selected campaign and you are going to receive very specialized orders.

« Last Edit: 20211002, 12:17:25 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »


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= SP = Single Player Career in DEF
« Reply #5 on: 20161007, 20:46:05 »
What do you need to start playing a Single Player Career in |DEF|?

« Last Edit: 20230505, 17:48:04 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »


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= MP = MultiPlayer-missions and wolfpacks in DEF
« Reply #6 on: 20161007, 20:48:01 »
What do you need to start playing Silent Hunter III - MultiPlayer-Wolfpack-missions in |DEF|

If you wish to severely enhance your game-experience, then play MultiPlayer-Wolfpack-missions with us!

You will need the following configuration:
A. TeamSpeak - the basis for our real-time-audio-connections
B. DEFLAN - our independent network for MP-games since all others closed their servers:
NOTE: Shock to all MultiPlayers: Tunngle is down for good and Evolve goes the same road
NOTE: The Death of Evolve is not the End of Multiplayer for DEF!!!
C. SH3 stock 1.4b - the basis for everything else
D. SH3 GWX 3.0
E. SH3 GWM (which bases on GWX 3.0, it is an addon to it)
F. no further mods (!)

Make Sure You Run The EXACT(!) same Mod-Setup.
The use of this configuration is mandatory because if you try to join the wolfpack (i.e. MP-game) with any other
configuration than the host then your game will crash. This is a limitation by the SH3-game-engine so we needed
to find a common basis for MP and that is GWM. GWM is a mod specifically developed only for MP-games and
documented in its own thread: [GWM] - Grey Wolves Multiplayer.

The easiest way to play MP-games is to create a separate installation and have that for MP-use only. This way
you can keep all your mods for your [SP]- or [CP]-game in a separate place and switch to [MP] in a jiffy - ad libitum so to say.

How all this works? Read on and follow the step-by-step-instructions given in How to get GWX+GWM going as multiple installs.
« Last Edit: 20200517, 16:01:54 by REV_Grey Eminence »


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How to report properly (="Kriegsmarine-Berichtswesen")
« Reply #7 on: 20161007, 20:48:42 »
How to report properly (="Kriegsmarine-Berichtswesen")

First off and ahead: This is not complicated rocket-science. This is all actually very easy once you get the hang of it. Simply look how it is done! TAKE AS EXAMPLE THESE MOST SOPHISTICATED KTB and END-OF-PATROL-REPORTS of our ARCHiVE!

Historically, reports were essential in order to organize concerted attacks, so we have a simple basic rule of thumb: Any event that you think could be important or at least useful to BdU is to be reported. A U-Boot-Kommandant was to submit reports advising BdU of position, established contacts with enemy, engagements, remaining ammunition, and weather. The U-Boot-Kommandant has to inform the BdU when leaving the assigned grid. Some reports CAN, some MUST be submitted - in any case post them in your personal thread
  • CAN: upon any event that the U-Boot-Kommandant feels the need to inform BdU, max 1 per day!
  • MUST: You must use the provided |DEF|-tools, these are essential for reporting and automation!
  • MUST: confirm receiving new orders (leaving port, returning home, confirming patrol grid change etc...)
  • MUST: report your last known position once each r/l-day you play using Operation Spinnennetz Status Report (S3O)
  • MUST: contact with enemy forces (not small single merchants, but large targets such asconvoys of three merchants or more, and task forces) using Operation Spinnennetz Contact Report).
  • MUST: every engagement / battle-outcome, preferrably with pictures
  • MUST: If none of the above took place, you must report in at least once per 30 real life days!
Put yourself into the shoes and the uniform of a historic German U-Boot-Kommandant! Try to keep your messages to what a WWII U-Boot would report. Keep in mind that you must avoid HF/DF-detection" of your unit, so maintain radio silence as much as the situation permits.

It is imperative that Kommandanten wait for response to their radio transmissions while underway on combat patrols before posting their next report. In other words, do not post another patrol report (unless it is a dire emergency situation) until you have received a response from BdU or FdU to your current report. You may receive new orders, a change of patrol area, etc. and if you have already prematurely posted a new report, you have created a chronological problem that BdU does not take lightly! Note that this does not mean you can not continue your patrol. On the contrary, please continue on, just keep notes so when it is time to post your next patrol report, you have the data readily available. Do not overrun BDU with oneliner-messages to which always a person must find the time to react. Compress and deliver quality!

19430926, 03:28Ingame date + time in format: YYYYMMDD, HHMM
VON: U-850U-Boot-number in format U-xxxx
AN: BdURecipient in HQ: BdU / or FdU / or Kommandant Gruppe x
POS: MG4497Location in Kriegsmarine 6-digit-grid-map → keep this in sync with our S3O-map!
TORPs: 24Remaining ammunition
HULL: 100%Hull-integrity / 100% means undamaged
FUEL: 89%Remaining fuel

S3Q is the tool of your choice. S3Q_QRPC does all that for you. It creates the standardized message header format to make it copy and paste easy, in the correct format, when preparing your in-patrol messages for your Kommandant-thread. All you will need to do is fill in the lines within S3Q_QRPC, use the copy to clipboard option, paste the message header data within your Kommandant thread, and then complete the message body.

When commencing a patrol a Kommandant usually sends a departure-report
  • asking for orders (unless already received)
  • confirming received orders or having opened sealed orders
  • perhaps including nice pictures of his U-Boot leaving port
While at sea in historic reality the Kommandant would maintain radio-silence as long and much as feasible to avoid detection. To simulate this the amount of messages is limited to MAX ONE message per real life day in your personal thread -  also kept short, reduced to the necessarities of either a
  • STATUS-report (="Statusbericht") → we use S3O plus also keep your thread and story-line updated
  • CONTACT-report (="Fuehlungsmeldung") → we use S3O plus also keep your thread and story-line updated
  • WEATHER-report (="Wetterbericht") → soon included in S3O as well, follow the S3O-Thread for details!
A U-Boot may request a return to the base before the deadline for his combat sortie by lack of fuel or torpedoes or damage to the u boat, before returning, via radio, he must receive the approval of the BdU.
The equipment and the number and type of torpedo that can carry the boat will be indicated on their orders according to the availability of technical means.
After returning to port a Kommandant would report personally to "The Lion" himself armed with logs, charts and notes. Copies of the U-Boot's logbooks (="Kriegstagebuch") would have been reviewed then by staff personnel with highlights and questions given to Doenitz to deal with as he pleased. To simulate this, we use the output generated by S3C in the "Personnel_File.html" which is to be submitted by use of S3Q_QPFR. Every Kommandant is asked to include pictures and post screenshots in his individual thread, perhaps even telling a little background-story. This improves your thread a lot.

Again, this is totally easy:
Run S3C, there click for available actions and select first option "Update your personnel file"
Take a screenshot of your personnel file once it is displayed and crop it to a readable size (not your max. resolution on the forum!)
Run S3Q_QPFR and direct it to your Documents-folder
direct it to the Personnel_File.html so it will forward your patrol data to our server.
Post final patrol report including screen shots from in-game upon return to base, and the screenshots from above.

Each properly completed and submitted patrol-report includes:
  • screenshots of the SH3-ingame-patrol-log
  • screenshots of the S3C-personnel.file
  • a report using our tool "S3Q" (its module "QPFR" does this for you in less than 1 minute!)
YOUR choice how much detailed you are going to make it. You can even make your reports look like historic KTB - IF YOU WANT
an example (U-701/194103)
KTB-template that you can use


Every DEF-member receives a slot on our server for his personal patrol-pictures and a personal MEDiAFiRE-account for everything else along with detailed instructions: HOW TO USE MEDIAFIRE AS PICTURES HOST

Operation Spinnennetz is part of proper reporting!

A world-map? STATUS- and CONTACT-reports? Yes! A brief summary of what it does can be found here: S3O = Silent Hunter III - Operation Spinnennetz
« Last Edit: 20220317, 08:18:50 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »


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What is a 6-Digit-Grid-Map - and how to use it
« Reply #8 on: 20161007, 20:49:08 »

What is a 6-digit-grid-map - and how to use it

The Kriegsmarine (WWII German Navy) employed a very simple, yet clever system for quickly locating, reporting and most
importantly vectoring their vessels (surface ships and U-Boote). This was the socalled KM-Planquadrat-System (="grid system").

SH3 originally uses 4 digits (e.g. AE56), DEF does it the way the Kriegsmarine did it: in 6 digits (e.g. AE5619).
You must really try out [S3O] - The Silent Hunter III-Operation Spinnennetz (by Canovaro & BL!TZKR!EG).

All known versions and even the DOENITZ ELITE-Version with worldwide (!!) grids are offered for members in our [DEFPAK].

References & Sources:
Example: You are assigned to patrol grid AE5619

Using the game map plot a course to AE.
On the large chart locate AE56 and plot course to it.
On the small chart locate 19 and plot a course to it.
You will be at AE5619 and that is more accurate.

CALCULATING your current 6-digit-grid-location (for your report): show
To locate your own self there is this calculation - just for info, you don't need it here:

To divide the squares into rows you need to measure the height of the square and divide it by 9.
Then you need to calculate your current distance from the top of the square.
Let’s say the square's height is 180 and you are 73,50 far from the top, i.e. 180/9= 20; 73,50/20= 3,67= 4

To divide the squares into columns you need to measure the width of the square and divide it by 9.
Then you need to calculate your current distance from the left side of the square.
Let’s say the square's width is 108 and you are 76 far from the left border, i.e. 108/9= 12; 76/12= 6,33 & round up= 7

So your 4 grid location is AM5361 (61 is the overlap of 4th row with 7th column).
« Last Edit: 20200330, 13:35:36 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »

Offline Karl Doenitz

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TeamSpeak & DEFLAN (was: Evolve, was: Tunngle, was UBi-Soft)
« Reply #9 on: 20161007, 20:51:35 »
IMPORANT NOTE: We have taken down our TeamSpeak-Server - at least until the costs can be covered

UBi-Soft is dead, Tunngle is dead, Evolve, too!
We have survived all that and them all.
And no we do not go elsewhere only to scatter our efforts again!
It does not get easier than this: Download TS3. Install. Run. And get yourself a headset!!
Easier to cover more in a shorter amount of time, and in far more detail.


Teamspeak3 FOR FREE     

ONE-CLICK-LINK (needs TS be installed):

If you want more detailed instructions...yes, I wrote those, too. But the idiot-admins at SuSi even deleted that work...
...which is why we rewrote it and we suggest you read it and follow the instructions: HOWTO: DEFT
Thanks again for NO SUPPORT and even throwing our work into the trash to NEAL "ONKEL TRUCK-DRIVER" STEVENS from SuSi.

WHERE? We meet on:
  • Join the channel PORTSIDE PUBLIC LOBBY, we will pick you up!
You need a headset to talk with us on TS3, or at least a keyboard to chat per text.
If you want to share your TeamSpeak-Identity on e.g. laptop and desktop, you have to export your identity and import it on the other computer, see this video tutorial: How To... Import and Export Teamspeak Identities [TS3 Tutorial] and because there is not a settings-menu and some members can still not find it somehow, GD wrote up an additional guide: Guide to Using One TS3 Identity on 2 Separate PCs

So, your ready to go and tired of reading this typing and just want to get going already!!!!!    Well, without a doubt, the first thing you need to do is go to the TeamSpeak website and download the latest version of TeamSpeak3.  Teamspeak is a voice-over-IP system.    Before you go to the site, you need to know whether you have a 64-bit system or 32-bit system.  The site will have different downloads for the different systems.

Link to website where latest TS3 downloads reside:

Download the appropriate TS3 version and install it onto your system.

Once you have installed TS3 on you computer, you have several options for connection:

Connection Option 1) You can go here to the DEF TS3 server site direct (after you have downloaded and installed the previous):

Connection Option 2) You can open the TS3 server, click on the 'connection' link, go to 'list of servers' and enter the DEF server name, then click close and connect.

So your saying to yourself, what the heck, this don't seem like a logical Step 2;  Well, it darn sure should.  Most of what you will read following can be performed and understood much quicker and more accuretely when you are on the TS3 DEF server with help from others.  Just saying.........
« Last Edit: 20220710, 13:03:02 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »


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How to get GWX+GWM going as multiple installs
« Reply #10 on: 20161007, 20:52:25 »
Much improved instructions written by FIEDLER here:


« Last Edit: 20220411, 21:40:55 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »

Offline Karl Doenitz

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  • Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote
« Reply #11 on: 20161007, 21:21:52 »

A remark on our point-table: You may acknowledge that you get points for pretty much any constructive activity for |DEF|, on DEFF and in the game and especially for MP-wolfpack-actions, so everybody with less than ~50 points (TOP20) is either new to the unit or just a lame-ass who does not do anything. Why? Read more in PBP = Point Bonifications / Penalties. We make it just so easy to present yourself as an ELITE-Kommandant, which is why we let our software kick out those who can not be bothered to respond, show no activity or do not contribute anything at all.
« Last Edit: 20220710, 13:04:36 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »

Offline Karl Doenitz

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  • Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote
► Stand straight & report in for duty in |DEF| ◄
« Reply #12 on: 20161117, 21:12:33 »

 - DEF's Unique Features -
- [DEF]-Promotion-Trailer - [DEF]-Videos/Youtube -
 - JOIN [DEF] -
READ MORE ABOUT [DEF] - The Doenitz Elite Flotilla

* Try out the links provided and consider this as a friendly invitation - so in case this mail
reaches you more than once, please ignore that and excuse. No worries. Thank you.
« Last Edit: 20210620, 20:19:35 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »


  • ...somewhere...below...
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YOU CAN(!) help out in |DEF| ...this is how!
« Reply #13 on: 20170714, 18:02:22 »

The only thing that keeps our servers running is your donations, please consider supporting the project. Money keeps the wheels turning, so to speak.

YOU CAN help out in |DEF|, there is so much you can do - without being computer savvy or having to any money!

It is BY FAR not only the monetary aspect which we cover with U-Boot-Funds and Donations. Yet there are a number of other ways how to contribute, so please desist from boring us with financial excuses! Running a flotilla is a hobby which takes enthusiasm, time and effort. Indeed that is so much that it can not all be done by only one person. The logic consequence is the fact that workload MUST be shared. There is no way around that. Think by yourself:
  • Who runs all this? Does he need help? Where can I assist?
  • Who made the graphics? Is there work to be done?
  • Who pays for this? Can I donate some bucks to cover the server-costs?
  • Can this or that be improved? Have I found an error?
  • Have I got an idea that would make U-Boot-life easier, more fun or yet more immersive?
  • Do I play by |DEF|-rules? Do I follow instructions?
  • What can I do for the flotilla - instead of always and only asking what |DEF| can do for me?
  • When can I play and why do I not put that into the calendar - instead of always and only asking 'When do we play?'
  • Can I show more activity on the forum? How? And when do I start?
  • Can I look around more on the forum what the group is doing and see if how can help?
  • If you find our instructions irritating or misleading or confusing, there is no need to spam our inbox and put even more work onto my table (!!!!).  Please draft up a text yourself that sounds better and thereby help us improve.

It is a requirement that the arising tasks are not carried out by the few in the staff, BUT BY ALL MEMBERS! So, to reiterate, we hope expect all DEF members contribute in some form or fashion. If you can't donate funds, please donate your time and skills to help at some level. Even if it is only proof reading/correcting/editing SOP, etc.

Here are some ideas where members can help/contribute?
  • Help coordinate and host MP sessions
  • Help with recruiting
  • Help with reviewing/editing/updating SOP and other DEF documents.
  • Help with updating/maintaining website/forum areas
  • Help with mp mission testing/reporting
  • Help maintain Forum calendar

Folks! Answer our roll-calls! Do not be so non-committal, we want to have fun - TOGETHER!

1. A group can struggle when workload is not shared.
    I even got infracted on the Susi-forum for describing the issues that a flotilla can run into (incredible!).
    →See the VACANT STAFF-POSITIONS! and our Captains-Roster (="Member-List") to read details and see what is needed.

2. Come to TeamSpeak and keep in touch with us - the other DEF-members. No emails please, we TALK! Why is easy to explain:
Talking on TeamSpeak3 is very important and highly recommended due to language barrier issues that often occur in PM and emails - plus you get immediate response/reply whereas in PM and emails you don't always get it in a timely manner.

3. Use S3Q_DEFO.
    This handy tool shows parts of the activity of |DEF|.
    →If you see "pending" activity, alert the staff by attending our Teamspeak-meetings and talk to us![/url].
    Especially if you see new applicants displayed but them not yet added to the forum.
    (Look into the members-list to find out).

4. You do not have a headset yet?
    →Get one and be a good example: Be online on our TeamSpeak.
    A good and regular communication keeps the flotilla alive.

5. Keep an eye on the other members.
    →If you see one of your friends missing then why not invite him to our TeamSpeak? Show interest!

6. Keep an eye on Doenitz Elite Flotilla - Standard Operating Procedures (="ALL You Need To Know").
    It has since long years been our main-thread and all news and changes pertaining to our flotilla are announced there.
    It is THE source for your to keep up to date with the progress we make.
    →Look into it REGULARLY!!!
« Last Edit: 20221222, 08:52:21 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »


  • ...somewhere...below...
  • REViSi0N
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« Reply #14 on: 20220119, 12:22:46 »
To help collect the costs, we had created a transparent moneypool, but Paypal are against transparency and abandoned that entire service, so we must return to our old donation-link:

:: General Financial Support :: Help with the cost of Runnning DEF or spend us a meal, like pizza and beer
- Paypal shows "Doenitz Elite Flotilla Group Payments"

:Kaleun_Wink: Please support in EUR as currency, OR USD and only in other currencies if there is truely no other way.
» HONOR, AMISTAD Y RESPETO! Es mejor morir de pie que vivir toda una vida de rodillas! «

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