Author Topic: [NO BUG] Missing crew  (Read 1464 times)


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[NO BUG] Missing crew
« on: 20170223, 22:22:53 »
In the control room on the type IXB 2 crew members are missing from the steering positions

Yes The compartment is fully crewed

« Last Edit: 20170227, 23:08:14 by HanSolo78 »


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Re: [BUG_Beta1] Missing crew
« Reply #1 on: 20170225, 06:01:31 »
Yeah they show up at periscope depth
 Still, need someone to keep the rudders trim or a little angled, that depends on sea conditions, on the surface to keep the boat on course (experience from sailing).


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« Reply #2 on: 20170226, 11:12:38 »
The people in those seats do more than the hydroplanes, they also handle the rudder.  2 very different things on the submarine.

Good to have a real seaman here!  :)
Das ist ausgemachter Quatsch. Die beiden Rudergänger bedienen ausschließlich die Tiefenruder und das Seitenruder wird von dem bedient der direkt vor dem Kompass sitzt und auch in WAC zu sehen ist.
Fragt sich wer hier Seeman ist.
Ich war auf U-1,U-Hecht,U-5 und U-10 bei der Bundesmarine

That is complete nonsense! The two guys at the Papenberg+Ruderlagenanzeige+Tiefenmesser(Depth Gauge) do _ONLY(!)_ manage the dive planes/hydroplanes (=Tiefenruder) and NOTHING else. When the boat is surfaced (Ueberwasserfahrt) in reality, NOBODY sits there!
The one managing the rudder (Seitenruder) is sitting at the compass - whom you see in WAC (my screenshot)
I question who of us really went to sea here!
I went to sea for the German Bundesmarine in U-1, U-Hecht, U-5 and U-10 !

This is clearly not a bug because the picture in post one shows depth= 7m (Ueberwasserfahrt=surfaced).
« Last Edit: 20170226, 12:50:50 by SysOp »


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Re: [BUG_Beta1] Missing crew
« Reply #3 on: 20170315, 16:58:50 »
Ok I guess I gotta clear this up.
Excuse me. You are talking plain nonsense there.
In the follwing let me go through your text.

I AM saying it is a bug because there should be people there no matter what.
When going surfaced ("Ueberwassermarschfahrt"), the depth rudders ("Tiefenrudder") have absolutely no effect - so why?
When surfaced the "Rudergaenger" would be at their regular station, mostly maintenance.

And if not there somewhere in the room.
NOBODY who is not in service remains in the OPZ ("Zentrale") - the OPZ is no restroom.
Again: Under no circumstances anybody besides those who are IN SERVICE remains there.

If a crash dive is called you need people there and ready to respond IMMEDIATELY! Not just sitting in invisible land with their dicks in hand doing nothing.

Think please: What distance do you think somebody has to run to get to his station? 100 meters? Never!
That is trained as crash dive ("Alarmtauchen").
Even switching off the diesel (closing vents and all) takes longer than that.

You were on those Type IIs in peace time.  Very different SOP (standard operating procedure) than in war time.
What do you think is the difference between post-war ("Maneuverfahrt") and wartime ("Ueberwassermarschfahrt in Bereitschaft")?
No differences in the procedures, that is exactly what maneuvers are trained for.

And no, I have not served in Type IIs, I have served in a modified XXIII and the later types.


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Re: [BUG_Beta1] Missing crew
« Reply #4 on: 20170315, 17:00:36 »
Kaleun says... "Go to periscope depth" then all men are at the diving steers  ;)
Not earlier.

Conclusion after PM's corrective post: Closed.