Author Topic: U-BOOT Funds  (Read 5274 times)

Offline Karl Doenitz

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U-BOOT Funds
« on: 20170907, 09:08:20 »

"Crap !! They are asking for money?"
Is that what you think when the balloon goes up and Staff-members start shouting for donations?

Well let’s have a look at just what they provide to us DEF members…

  • 1x DEF TS3 for all to use, and it’s fun meeting and talking to other members.
    Cost… $43 for a year
  • 1x DEF Domain, very necessary.
    Cost… $18 for a year
  • 1x DEF Forum, FTP-Server, Web-Space and file-transfers, very necessary.
    Cost… $192 for 2 years

Put that together and it a lot... rougly 250 USD... and that's just for those three items.
Not included are the hours put in by members providing tools, graphics, reports, MP missions, orders etc…THAT'S ALL FREE ON TOP!

One can, however, look at it this way...
$250 subs per year needed / 12 = about $20+ per month.

So, what’s $20 to you?
That’s roughly 2 bucks per month. That’s about 1 bottle of Guinness less for the month. I know, I know, that’s a lot to give up, but is it really? Hell, even a pack of smokes costs 5 bucks and some people smoke 2-3 packs a day!!

When you look at the whole thing this way, then donations throughout the year are quite small and achievable. If we wait till the last minute, and then someone shouts for $250+ NOW, that looks quite intimidating, and to some that puts off from giving at all.

I believe that knowing how much and why makes the whole thing about donations easier to accept. All members enjoy the nice tools offered etc., so why not help too and keep OUR site going. Let’s keep DEF afloat, donate when you can.



Payments must be conducted to keep up all the fun you take part in and help (docs) you benefit from!
In 180+ days (HALF A FRICKING YEAR!) only 50% of the sheer costs were collected. A shame truely. We are the only group that keeps the community alive and releases tools and help. But no avail. The socalled community does apparently not cherish&appreciate what we do enough
so we can carry on. Instead they run to SuSi for a FAKE-Steam-Fix and donate there to become an Overlord-jerk.

There is no other way than stating this clearly and straight forward, we see how far we have come in half a year with "politely asking for maybe a dime". Consider it! **NOW** Our service provider does neither accept cheap excuses that we cannot pay!


:: Donation to DEF Moneypool :: Help with the Cost of Runnning DEF.
- Paypal shows "Doenitz Elite Flotilla Group Payments", you can also simply spend us a meal, like pizza and beer for our work

:Kaleun_Wink: Please donate in EUR as currency, OR USD and only in other currencies if there is truely & really no other way.

    more than 250 USD for domain, TS3, hosting package
    18 USD on 20220306 for domain reservation
    43 USD on 20220625 for TS3-server
    192 USD on 20220802 for hosting package
« Last Edit: 20211120, 14:41:34 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »

Offline REV_TheShark

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Re: U-BOOT Funds
« Reply #1 on: 20220407, 15:33:35 »
7th of april standings:

18 USD on 20220306 for domain reservation was paid by an unknown/anonymous donator

We got 117 EUR on our account, thanks to 3 donators and those before.
This is however not enough, yet to come until this summer:

43 USD on 20220625 for TS3-server
192 USD on 20220802 for hosting package
235 USD to be paid.

Offline REV_Grey Eminence

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Re: U-BOOT Funds
« Reply #2 on: 20220409, 11:43:28 »
Thank you for your report.