Author Topic: Bringing an old tool back to life: Dup-Node-Killer  (Read 1930 times)


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I am willing to help rather than only talk hot air or do some bloody "welcome, welcome, donate here please"-
doodle, but leave users out in the rain, if only they donate...

All I ask is to stop donating to those who delete my work and only seem to collect money for their new motor bike/ranch/mower.
Think about it! STOP DONATING TO SUCH SABOTEURS! Rather donate to those who actually DO the work to facilitate players.
Ask yourselves, folks: Who has programmed this? Whose tool are you using FOR FREE? And? Why not spend that guy a pizza and a beer?!

READ MORE ABOUT |DEF| - The Doenitz Elite Flotilla
« Last Edit: 20200408, 23:01:27 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »


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« Reply #1 on: 20200407, 13:29:51 »
Well... there once was a nice tool...written in 2016 when we were still with the chaotic WAC 5.0-teacher.
Out of a sudden some old GWX-guys show up over at SuSi and now I am asked to give a new version.
Some SuSi-idiot says it does not exist? Oh, well it does. And I know. I programmed it...

OK...There was the tool "IDDuplicateFinder" written by REF of GWX (one of the few really talented programmers),
which indeed scans and finds duplicate IDs. What was yet missing however was a program that auto-fixes those IDs.
And that part I programmed after I had tried for years and years to get a reply from REF (

Well, we really had long discussions about this in FiXED: Duplicated Node IDs and this is certainly a tool FOR MODDERS ONLY,
but here is my change-log (previously unpublished):

- 20161120 - [RELEASE] Our first attempt "Nodes Corrector V1.0.0.0a"
- 20161121 - [RELEASE] Nodes Corrector V1.0.0.1a
- 20161121 - [RELEASE] Nodes Corrector V1.0.0.2a
- 20161127 - [RELEASE] Dup-Nodes-Killer V1.0.0.0a
- 20161206 - [RELEASE] Update: now gives error when clipboard empty
- 20161209 - [RELEASE] Dup-Nodes-Killer V6.0.2.1a
- 20161210 - [RELEASE] Fixed "Space character"-issue according to PT's detailed bug-report.
- 20161214 - [RELEASE] Fixed "appended nibble"-issue. Fixed "N/A" and "No ID"-issues - ReScan-Routine added.
- 20161231 - [RELEASE] V10.2.5.3b - merged Nodes Corrector with new DupKiller into ONE file
- 20181025 - [RELEASE] Last known version (source-code has that date): V12.2.6.5b, which is probably the version I gave REV_ANVAR back then
- 20200409 - [RELEASE] V13.0.0.0c, recompiled from scratch with the source-codes that I have found again
- 20200527 - [RELEASE] V13.0.1.0c
- 20200611 - [RELEASE] V13.0.1.1c - optimization towards more overview in logfiles.

I have programmed this FOR FREE and everyone can FREELY download and use it -AS IS-
Reason was the Han Solo and others complained that we need a new way to auto-fix duplicate node IDs.
To me it was a proof-of-concept-thing, I won another bet against Prozedurmeister back then.
Further development is NOT on my plan, but I will be on TEAMSPEAK, ready to talk to all of you.
If someone wants me to spend my time for coding more, I expect donations - not for me, but for DEF.
Otherwise I will NOT do it. My time is spent with the new SFSF and Front-End-versions and the Mission-Archive.
« Last Edit: 20200611, 11:26:21 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »


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« Reply #2 on: 20200407, 13:33:31 »

You run the tool that REF wrote.
File-Name: IDDuplicateFinder.exe - included in '[SH3MOD]_Modders' SDK - BL!TZKR!EG Edition'
File-Size: 629.248 bytes
File-MD5: 52E0E1876C12B9F251150796505F3878 - verified with TinyMD5
  • Select path to search for duplicates.
  • Run the search.
  • Mark all the text of the results (CTRL+A)
  • Copy it into your clipboard (CTRL+C)

Then you take my tool (which essentially is the other half of REF's attempt)
File-Name: Dup-Node-Killer.exe - included in 'TBT-Duplicate-Node-IDs-Killer-Pack.7z'
  • Then you run my tool to fix those duplicate IDs that REF's tool had found.
  • My tool automatically accesses your clipboard, takes the data from there and runs
  • Yes, my tool creates a log-file...
  • Yes, that can take some time - which is why I added a progress-bar and a log window.
  • See logfile "BL!TZPROZEDUR.log" for details what the program has actually done.

I know it is stating the obvious but apparantly I needs to be said:
[1] You can, before you run my tool, also PASTE the clipboard into NOTEPAD ++ and edit what you want fixed.
Then you COPY what you want fixed again (using CTRL+A, then CTRL+C) and THEN you run my tool.
This way you can remove what you do NOT want changed for example or you can only change SOME duplicate IDs.
Pay attention that you keep the format. My tool is programmed to use exactly what REF's tool spits out.

[2] Look at the logfile. There you can see IN DETAIL what the program has done with the data you fed it with.
You will see that in great detail because in contrast to REF's tool mine writes a detailed log about what it exactly does.
« Last Edit: 20220214, 14:37:30 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »


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« Reply #3 on: 20200407, 13:53:04 »
Current VERSiON V13.0.1.1c
Size OF THE .EXE-file: 790.016 Bytes
MD5Sum OF THE .EXE-file: 2828F1663DBA4D94804AB35147822E74 - verified with TiNYMD5

Note: This file is now being distributed as part of [SH3MOD]_Modders' SDK - BL!TZKR!EG Edition, you find it in public\Dup-Node-Killer there!
« Last Edit: 20220214, 13:44:07 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »


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Re: Bringing an old tool back to life: Dup-Node-Killer
« Reply #4 on: 20200419, 13:28:51 »
This is a bit astonishing now. I thought you had just told me that you think the IDDuplicateFinder works! Not?
Look what you wrote:
I think IDDuplicateFinder works. But it checks all the files, even those in the MODS folder.
Strange. How can you tell it works when you do not know what you are doing?

You are NOT supposed to search BOTH folders at the same time (data/ and MODS/) - only data/!
ONLY scan in a full installed game with the mods activated that you want -> to get results of the final stand.
Otherwise you find false positives, because those 'duplicates' exist in BOTH data/ *and* mods/
and then consequently you W-I-L-L corrupt the data when later auto-fixing those false positives.
You will see that in great detail because in contrast to REF's my tool writes a detailed log about what it exactly does.
Do not use it with wrong data or the result will be crap as in 'Do not shave with the wrong knife, it W-I-L-L will hurt!'  :no:

Use your brain!!!! It says in my instructions "Mark all the text of the R-E-S-U-L-T-S" !!!
About what are we talking here all the time: RESULTS. Results of a search for DUPLICATES, so RESULTS=DUPLICATES
The picture you have posted shows no results (=found duplicates) that you can copy, the result-box is empty.
So what are you trying to mark&copy (CTRL+A plus CTRL+C) there? ? ? ? ?
And how can you say that CTRL+A, then CTRL+C does not work? Do you see that somehow?
That makes no sense!

Okay, now I want to make some fun, too, so here comes the fun part, somehow I love this meme:

Homework: Go to your bathroom, look into the mirror, shave and then slap yourself UNTIL YOUR BRAIN IS SWITCHED ON!!!
Use your favourite after shave for this, this wakes you up!


  • ...somewhere...below...
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= NEW VERSION OUT! = V13.0.1.0c
« Reply #5 on: 20200527, 12:48:53 »
Blitz, I know this states thw obvious, but you should maybe put that into the docs

I doubt this will help. People ignore my instructions all the time.
And then they accuse me of writing "trojans", "faulty software" or that they get "strange effects".
People like REF/GWX, who has not finished his job and does not answer any of his mails, are hyped into heavens
and I get smeered with crap and dumped at for attempting to help and being available on TeamSpeak. Well, thanks...