Author Topic: Blitz, please post your online flotillas list  (Read 6594 times)

Offline REV_Grey Eminence

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Blitz, please post your online flotillas list
« on: 20180625, 11:34:57 »
that the SuSi-idiots have deleted, I want to take a look


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  • REViSi0N
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Most groups had already been mothballed long before they ceased to exist on the web. I really do not see why those SuSi-jerks have deleted that list. I even mentioned THEIR promoted flotillas (StS+LWF) and my list existed years before they began their rage against me. Anyway, here it is...

(Last Updated 20220129)

I have never had an issue with that list being public and to give every player his own choice. It has only been the idiots at Susi-whiners-club (formerly known as who deleted my collection - maybe on the demand of CTU_Clay (a neighbor of the SuSi-admin), who has from the beginning never supported my efforts in this regard. He has never wanted to have his LWF listed, and in the end he did not want such list at all - and so it came that only his group had a sticky thread on SuSi and nothing else was visible. This jerk torpedoed all our efforts, he badgered members ("Nocken-incident") to heat up SuSi-Admin against us, he sent over saboteurs to stir up trouble, one of which was Fritz Klum, who was lame in responding but quick in posting false accusations as if our tools were trojans. FUCK YOU, CLAY! You do not stop us, bloody old bass-fisher!

We are better than that. We want everyone be able to compare on their own - and so we recreate this list here, on DEFF, a forum that is NOT censored by some jerks from Texas and where threads do not "just disappear".

TS3WebForumMembersGWMDEF - The Doenitz Elite Flotilla
Blitz-review: What shall I say... ► Compare yourself... ◄
N/AWebN/AMembersGWMXVII - 17. Unterseebootflottille "Nordfront" WEB-ARCHiVE
Blitz-review: Own developments and mods such as GWM, CMG, Wehrpass-System, ZugSys&Kampfbericht-Software
Scripted Campaigns like Changing War Campaigns, RAGNAR0K 1944 and Endgame 1945
This flotilla itself was technically THE best around. Their playing-style used to be very strict and buerocratic and their
non-communicative and arrogant attitude in particular was never very attractive and not very appealing to many players.
TS3WebForumMembers24F24F - 24. Unterseebootflottille "Geweih"
Blitz-review: This was once a proper flotilla with very good activity. But Richi is long gone.
All own developments and mods such as 24F Megamod (for both SH3 and SH4) are SPA only.
Nowadays they do not play SHx at all and only very few members are active - if any at all.
TS3WebForumMembersGWXStS - Steel Sharks
Blitz-review: I remember that flotilla as "Steel Sharks League" from well around 2008, inactive-looking website, unsorted and full of totally outdated data (most topics have not seen any activity for years), but the flotilla is somewhat active and offers dynamic campaigns - their Scripted dynamic (!) Campaign is very much liked by their #1 fanboy CTU_Clay...

My assessment on all this - and this is my very personal view - is that DEF is the one and only active group. There were so many small "meeting-points" for this old game that all disappeared during the years because only a handful players came. So it doesn't really make sense to create yet more, that only disperses the few remaining players. Especially all attempts on Discord have failed in the described way.

Nordfront, our predecessor: completely dead, members do not even reply to mails
24F, totally inactive, they only talk (Lexu) but never do anything productive since Richi has left them well 10 years ago
StS, completely inactive talkers, while Swanny is at least once a year churning out some mission files, but besides that? nada.

⚡️ Obviously DEAD or TOTALLY INACTIVE Flotillas: ⚡️
- 9UF - 9teUflottille - Once a source of knowledge (Friedl) and I remember their old page, too. But now most threads are well 10 years without any activity. Also Friedl is a big disappointment. For more than 5 years(!) he has kept on stalling with 'probably next week'. What a lame-ass-group!
- ATL - Atlantik Campaign - all pages on invisionfree lost/nothing on WEB-ARCHiVE - was run by xxx and Capt Squid who was kicked from StS
- 1. U-Flottille Weddingen "Die grauen Woelfe"(WEB-ARCHiVE)
- 2. U-Flottille "Seewoelfe" (WEB-ARCHiVE)
- 33F - 33rd_Flotilla - Their forum is lost because invisionfree closed doors.
- 34F - - typically Dietrich... 34F later became XVII, now only DEF is left - Silent Hunter: 34th Flotilla Movie 1
- 12F - 12. U-Flottille "Monsun-Gruppe" Web - dead since their beginning in 2010
- 14F - WEB-ARCHiVE of 14UF (broken)
- AOD - Aces of The Deep - Forum(WEB-ARCHiVE) - better: WEB-ARCHiVE
- Betasom
- CSP - ComSubsPac (WEB-ARCHiVE)
- DBW - 11. U-Flottille "Die blauen Woelfe" - (WEB-ARCHiVE)
- Deep Raiders - CTU&KDB's forum on tapatalk is deleted, too, suddenly. All there is left is this part
- DOTD - Devils Of The Deep, all members joined SEF and later DEF.
- FLB - Flottenbasis - not 1 new member since 01/2017, 05/2019 they have closed their forum and now everything is removed.
- FS - Flotilla Submarina de ESPANA - Never seen much activity there, used to be playing on Tunngle, only Liberty and Joselux - and that is still the case 3 years later in 2018: Just talked to FS_Liberty. He said only himself and FS_Joselux are still playing in FS - what a pity.
- GM - Guardiani dei Mari - Never seen much activity there, seemed to be Specialists at Sub vs Sub, guys like Rafael never answer, most of their threads have been inactive for more than 1 year
- GV - Gentiluomini di Ventura -  Never seen much activity there, only traffic on the shout-box, most of their threads have been inactive for years!
- Gruppe Rote Woelfe
- HOTD - 2. Ubootflottille "Hunters of the Deep" - Forum1 - Forum2
- LWF - Lone Wolf Flotilla - Nothing left. Everything was behind closed doors, even the Forum that he closes due to health issues every 3 months.
- Maricosom WEB-ARCHiVE of 29. Flotilla "Maricosom"
- POTD - Prowlers of The Deep - no WEB-ARCHiVE at all, nothing at all was only yet another attempt.
- PL - PolishSeamen  - only 1 active member: CMDR Blue R
- ROTD - Raiders Of The Deep,Reinhard Hardegen has removed all his posts and left SH3 entirely. The forum is lost because invisionfree closed doors.
- RSF - Red Shark Flotilla, their forum is abandonned since at least 2015
- SEE - WEB-ARCHiVE of "Seedrache" Flotilla
- SEF - Subsim Enigma Flotilla, all members joined DEF.
- SH3united - was merely some test of some UBF-talkers who made me a moderator there, but then got nothing done.
- SICOM Flotilla - They came from SH4/5, then offered SH3 - but no activity since 2016, when their leader, 'Lince_246' quit the scene.
- TOG - Tobruk-Gilde
- UBF - U-Boot-Flotilla - 99% of the threads in their forum have not seen any activity for 5+ years. 100% of their activity is in their shoutbox!
- WAW - Wolves at War - Last Web Page - WEB-ARCHiVE1WEB-ARCHiVE2 - WEB-ARCHiVE Wiki - WEB-ARCHiVE Main_Page - Information - Campaigndata - old rest of forum
-, nobody has ever seen their "Zulu-Mod", dead from the start

WPL - Wolfpack League
WEB-ARCHiVE of WPL-Atlantik!

Pages lost because there is nothing on WEB-ARCHiVE:
WotK - No activity for more than 2 months, only 4 members and a total of only 26 posts in WOTK

CZ: and
RU: sukhoiru.frmbb

I also found one of the pages of our old nordfront-predecessors: 3rd flotilla:

The only interesting pages (at least to me) are these:

CZ-only and there is no activity in SH3 and MP since 2+ years, but they at least seem to try out that new EA-game:
« Last Edit: 20220215, 06:36:19 by REV_Grey Eminence »
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