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Author Topic: Doenitz Elite Flotilla - [GENERAL]-Talk That Does Not Fit Elsewhere  (Read 242527 times)

Rick Fortens

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Thanks Glen, merci les gars, spasiba !

Offline REV_Grey Eminence

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Happy birthday, Richard. I hope it is an enjoyable one!


Dr. Apfelgluck

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Thank you very much, Glen ! Very hot day here.
Hope whe'll talk one more time about music someday.

Offline Mail2_Anvar1061

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Dr. Apfelgluck

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Thanks to all of you !


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Happy birthday, Anvar! I hope it is an enjoyable one.

za vashe zdarovje

Offline REV_Grey Eminence

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One of the last good modders turns 50!


Dr. Apfelgluck

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Happy Birthday !


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Thanx for the well wishes!



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Offline REV_Grey Eminence

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Somehow petrified with horror? Totally paralyzed from shock? Not bothering to respond at all?
Thanks. We don't need such lame-ass-members that we've got to run after for nothing. Go to Steel Sharks!
(That's where former DEF-members who have failed big time and other talkers are piling up...)

Account degraded to "mail-forward" like all the others who got degraded and will be deleted when Blitz decides.

Blitz, when you feel better: When will you delete all these stubborn-idiot-members? They'll NEVER become active. Trust me.


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I think that the job this group has done to make SH3 an even better game than it was is great! I also think that you guys are to be commended for your enthusiasm for this game! You have some really cool featured like an accurate KM grid and an enigma decoder! I also do feel flattered that I was given a membership to this prestigious group by Blitzkrieg. I appreciate the enthusiasm for some of the missions I wrote years ago.

Though I do feel honored to have been given membership, the fact is I did not apply for it. Why? Because I have LIMITED time to dedicate to video games in my life. I haven't played SH3 in 10+ years. In the LIMITED time I have budgeted for video games I have been relearning the mission editor and manual targeting. I never joined in a MP mission. I never used Tunngle. I never played Call of Duty or any of those online  games with multiple players. I don't possess that skill set yet. I probably will eventually, but that's not what I'm working on now.

You're time and energy are valuable, why are you wasting both getting offended and butthurt over emails not being answered? I have roughly 3hrs/week for video gaming. All 3 are used with SH3, but MP missions, ect. are not up on my checklist yet. If that offends some of you- so be it. Just like the line in Stalingrad: "Award revoked!"   


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GE, thanks and well done. It is always the same: When you kick them, they can suddenly react. So suddenly!

Marv, nobody is butthurt. And I did not make you a member of DEF, I only gave you a guest modder account to help you with your files and maybe have the opportunity to have a chat with you. But I find it a lack of common courtesy that you can apparently not find a minute of time to reply to my offer (I offered you to host your missions on our map using [S3MT] - The Silent Hunter III-Mission Toolkit), and then I saw your latest uploads somewhere else. GE had you on his list anyway but since those two uploads I thought:

'So once again this blah-blah about such limited time is just a smoke grenade for one thing... lack of common courtesy'.
Moving on...
» HONOR, AMISTAD Y RESPETO! Es mejor morir de pie que vivir toda una vida de rodillas! «

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Whatever happened between you guys and the guys at Subsim- READ ME PLEASE: I was NOT around and wasn't a part of it. I'm neutral to that conflict. I'm not involved in your feud with them. I had/have nothing bad to say about you guys. At the same time Subsim never did anything wrong to me.
Thank You very much for the offer to host my missions on your map with the Silent Hunter Mission Toolkit. To be sure, it's pretty cool. I don't know how to use it yet. I have take time and read through the instructions. I'm not a computer programmer. I work in the medical field. You guys don't seem to use LSH3 supermod. I wanted to write a few easy RUMs with LSH3. They're posted at Subsim because that's what I know how to do and I'm neutral to the nonsense.

I want to write two missions with GWX 3.0 regarding U-482 attacking convoy HX-305 and sinking the Empire Heritage. One is going to be a factual RUM, the other is going to me the same mission but a fictional MP game.  I liked the "Avon Lady's" (whatever happened to her?) format and it takes time to write the HTML file with the proper references.  That's what I've been up to. 

You guys also seem to be preoccupied with monitoring Subsim. You absolutely hate them, so why are you wasting your energy doing that?  Here's a suggestion: Go to and get " Darkest Before Dawn: U-482 and the sinking of Empire Heritage 1944" by John Peterson. It's a great read. Spend your valuable time doing something more productive.