Author Topic: [HOWTO] Rescue movies and songs from YouTube  (Read 1270 times)


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[HOWTO] Rescue movies and songs from YouTube
« on: 20190921, 17:44:42 »
YouTube enthusiasts watch out!
YouTube is the largest and best-known portal for films, series, documentaries, audio books and songs - and by far the biggest online archive. What you can not find here does not exist - or has been censored and removed.

But YouTube has another disadvantage: You have to be online to see the content.

Often this is not a problem, but sometimes it is very helpful to have songs, audio books, movies, etc. from YouTube (at short notice) on your own hard drive - for example as a playlist in the plane or car. Or in areas without WLAN.

What most people do not know:
It is completely legal to store songs and movies offered on YouTube on your own hard drive for private use.

Download and re-share:
  • (HERE you create your own account, choose to GET BASIC)
  • Flash- and Video-Download (HERE you get it for Firefox)
« Last Edit: 20200613, 02:49:11 by REV_Grey Eminence »
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[HOWTO] Download Videos
« Reply #1 on: 20210819, 15:29:24 »
It may be useful to make a backup of an interesting video. This is how to do just that with VLC, so it is required that you have VLC Media Player installed.
1. Open the link that you got, commonly that is called the video-link, e.g. YouTube, Rumble, Bitchute and what have you

2. Your browser will now show the start screen of that video, do not play it now.
3. Push CTRL+U (Firefox) or if that does not work on your browser, right-click and click Inspect or Inspect Element (again: that depends on your browser)
4. Arrived on the inspection screen click on the Network tab and refresh
5. Locate under Files the entry "playback.m3u8". Here right-click on it and copy the address

6. Open VLC, go to File Menu (most left) and open medium, then choose NETWORK, put the copied address in here

7. I usually prefer to have the file as .MP4, so select that and chose where and under what name you want the outfile saved.

8. Click START - and wait...


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« Last Edit: 20230211, 16:03:04 by REV_BL!TZKR!EG »